I'm testing IPS2200 for absolute position sensing applications. I made a prototype board and the sensor seems to be working fine. I can get a good sin/cos analog signal at the output when rotating the metal target.
Right now, I'm trying to use a cortex microcontorller to communicate with this sensor over the I2C bus. The problem is, I can write data, but when reading the registers, the data is always changing. During the communication process, the oscilloscope grabs the I2C waveform, the communication is normal, and there is also a normal ACK, but the correct data is not obtained.
The CS pin of the sensor is pulled down to the ground, and the I2C pin is pulled up by 4.7K to the power supply. 3.3V for power supply.
Is there a problem with the reading and writing timing of the chip manual? What might be a possible cause for this?
Looking forward to a reply.
I can't know if the value written to the register is correct!
Hello Wenuo,
your wrote: "the sensor seems to be working fine. I can get a good sin/cos analog signal at the output when rotating the metal target." - which is good news, the chip is working fine. Unfortunately we don´t have the capacity to support microcontroller development. Please follow the steps written in the programming manual. A reminder: IPS2200 is Not Recommended for New Designs, please switch to IPS2550 if possible. Best regards,Bence- application support
Thank you for your reply. I would like to confirm if this register can still be restored after being set to a high value? How to recover?
Cyber security.
The cyber security bit determines the transfer direction of the allowed I2C/SPI access mode.
0BIN = I2C/SPI read/write access
1BIN = I2C/SPI read-only access
can still be restored?