RAA2S4251 vs ZSC31050 which one may be chosen and why.
May you give some details please.
Best Regards.
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Engineering Community:
Here you can find more details about RAA2S4251 :
Datasheet: https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/dst/raa2s4251b-datasheet?r=1534086
And this also comes to an EVK board: https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/sensor-products/sensor-signal-conditioners-ssc-afe/raa2s425xkit-raa2s425xkit-evaluation-kit
And here you can find info for ZSC31050:
Datasheet: https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/dst/zsc31050-datasheet?r=179831
And there is also an EVK for this: https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/sensor-products/sensor-signal-conditioners-ssc-afe/zsc31050kit-evaluation-kit-zsc31050
Before suggesting you any of these we would like you to provide as more information about your application and the specific requirements you have.
Best Regards,
It will be used to design pressure sensor, which have piezoresistive ceramic cell.
Hello sir,
Could you please kindly check my private message?
Hello again sir,
Please let me inform you that in order to help you proceed in the correct choice for your application, we would like you to provide us more specifications about your project.
As you already know the RAA2S4251 is an automotive SSC and if your application is automotive might could be the correct choice since it is AECQ100 qualified.
In case you application is industrial then choosing one industrial SSC like ZSC31050 or ZSSC3241 would be ok as it will might offer the features you need.
Hello again,
As a follow-up of what you mentioned:
You are intending to use a “piezo resistive ceramic cell”, the extended Sensor Offset Compensation (XSOC) feature of the RAA2S4251 might be interesting for you, dependent on whether trimmed or untrimmed ceramic cells (?) are intended to use.
This would add an optional step to the calibration flow in order to adapt/harmonize the analog frontend parameters to each sense element
See below example flow:
This AFE harmonization requires some steps to do. Please check my private message sent to you and please reply me to the private conversation to see how we can proceed.
Thank you