In case you missed the last Renesas DevCon—or missed some important tracks—or just need to get back up to speed, Renesas is doing its best to bring the content directly to you. Starting next month and throughout the remainder of the year Renesas will be presenting DevCon Extension 2014—40 one-day sessions in Canada, the U.S., and Brazil. Each day will consist of short courses and hands-on labs in one of five topic areas:

  • RTOS & Middleware
  • Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design
  • Low-Power
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Sensors

There have been a lot of developments in the embedded space since the last Renesas DevCon in October, 2012, and these short courses are a quick way to catch up. In addition to the chance to “grill the gurus” about the problems you’re having (or anticipating) with your own projects, you’ll come away with free hardware and software tools on which you’ve been expertly trained. The short investment in time in these courses should pay for itself many times over in development time and costs down the road.

So, to sum it up: Free hardware. Free software. Free training. Free lunch. What’s not to like? If this sounds too good to pass up, then don’t. Click here to register.