Embedded designs keep getting more complex, but fortunately the tools for crafting them keep getting better. Renesas has just updated its Eclipse-based e2studio IDE to take advantages of the latest Kepler release as well version 8.3 of the Eclipse Code Development Toolkit (CDT). E2studio version v3.0 adds a number of new plugins and features that greatly expand the power of the program.
With 12 pages of release notes, it’s hard to know where to begin. A few highlights:
The screen shot below highlights some of the new features of e2studio v3.0:
Renesas has just posted an excellent video that introduces e2studio v3.0, highlighting all of its features while building and debugging two demo programs that run on the RPBRX111 RPB. I downloaded the program, installed it, and followed the instructions in the video, which then became a hands-on tutorial. All I can say is I wish they’d had this video when e2studio first came out!
Whether you want to run the program in tandem with watching the video—for which I recommend having two monitors or at least a large screen—check out the video for a good look at e2studio v3.0 in action.