MCU : Renesas RX111 series
Compiler : e2studio V3
Bootloader : I have a bootloader at a Fixed ROM location and have afixed Vector Table for it.
Application : the Application have fixed ROM blocks for it..But here we need to relocate the vector table for the application as Application vector table and Bootloader can not have same Vectortable....
Please suggest a solution if any....
an example will b helpful
e2studio V3 is NOT a compiler. It is only the IDE to control GNU, Renesas or IAR compiler.
Define the interrupt vector table as a const table of pointers to funtions and insert the interrupt function names in this table.
typedef void (*fp) (void);
const fp RelocatableVectors[] = {
(fp) function1,
(fp) function2,
You can use the address of the array to initialise INTB.