RX210 TMR whitout RPDG

Hi All,

I try to find a simple example to Drive PC7 pin at 100khz with the TMR function in 16 bits mode (Unit 1). 

i do that with the RPDG library but now i need to do the same thing without the library...



  • answer by my self...

    setting is good but i missing the part of the Write-Protect Register (PWPR).. whitout that nothing works...

    then this is the code in case other people need to know.

    // ==== MPC Setting ====

    PORTC.PDR.BIT.B7 = 0; // Select general input (defaut)

    PORTC.PMR.BIT.B7 = 0; // Select General I/O (defaut)

    MPC.PWPR.BIT.B0WI = 0; // 0: Writing to the PFSWE bit is enabled

    MPC.PWPR.BIT.PFSWE = 1; // 1: Writing to the PFS register is enabled

    MPC.PC7PFS.BYTE = 0x05; // set use PC7 as functin TMO2 Output

    MPC.PWPR.BIT.PFSWE = 0; // 0: Writing to the PFS register is disabled

    MPC.PWPR.BIT.B0WI = 1; // 1: Writing to the PFSWE bit is disabled

    PORTC.PMR.BIT.B7 = 1; // 1 = function (ici choisi TMO2)

    // ==== TMR module ON ====

       SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0x0A507;     // protect off

       MSTP(TMR23) = 0;                // TMR23 module stop state is canceled

       SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0x0A500;     // protect on

    // ==== Load the registers ====

    TMR23.TCNT = 0x0000; // Clear TCNT

    TMR23.TCORA = 239; // compare match A sortie a 100Khz

    TMR23.TCORB = 119; // compare match B sortie a 100Khz

    TMR2.TCR.BYTE = 0x08; // Cleared by compare match A

    TMR2.TCSR.BYTE = 0xC9; // Output Select B [1 0: High is output] , Output Select A [0 1: Low is output]

    TMR3.TCSR.BYTE = 0xD0; // not used in 16 bits timer

    TMR23.TCCR = 0x1808; // Counts at TMR1.TCNT (TMR3.TCNT) overflow signal , Counts at PCLK.

    thanks all for your support.