Hello there, From the beginning, Im facing lot of problems in Renesas GR Kaede board. I'm struggling a lot to complete my project during this exam time. At first, I faced firmware problem. After asking help from Renesas GR-Kaede contest forum, I rewrote flash of my board. Secondly, microUSB of my Kaede board got damaged. For this also, I asked help from the technical members of Renesas forum and I tried to solder it. But it is not working properly all time. Thirdly, Im facing this problem now. When I dump my executed file from the web compiler, it automatically flashes all the four LEDs at the same time and my program is not running. From the beginning, I have never seen like this. I really got disappointed to this. Finally, a small IC(U1) between the User Switch and Ethernet produces much heat after dumping the program file with flashing of four LEDs. Im kindly requesting technical members of Renesas team and EFY to help me with solutions to complete my project in successful manner. Moreover, I completed all by hardware works and program coding. Only thing remaining is completing my report and video creation.
Hi Krishnaraj,
Have you sorted out your error or not?
I am also facing a problem in Renesas GR Kaede board. I have been trying to update my new code in the GR-Kaede board but the board gets disconnected after sometime and code doesn't burn.
Yet, Im facing same error.
So sorry for our late reply.
Could you try the way I comments here.
If any of the below scenario is happening with your design, then that may be the reason of getting issues -
Case 1. Voltage level at IO Pin :
Operating voltage of KAEDE board is 3.3volt not 5 volt, so if you are connecting peripheral devices like sensors,lcd,switches etc, then you should be very careful. For example if you are connecting a sensor which needs minimum 5 volt and its output is also in 0-5volt logic, and if you have connected output pin of the sensor to KAEDE IO pin, then you may end up with serious issue (you are mixing 3.3volt and 5volt logic).
Case 2. USB Supply and Project Power Supply(Battery/Adapter) :
if you are programming your KAEDE then during that time you MUST switch off or disconnected your power supply(battery/adapter), otherwise USB voltage and Supply voltage will SHORT, it can damage your board.
Case 3. ADC Reference voltage :
The reference voltage for ADC is 3.3volt NOT 5volt, so if you are connecting any sensor to ADC channel and its output is very from 0 to 5volt then it may also harm your device or ADC channel. ADC input MUST be less then or equals to 3.3volt.
Is there any solution to get attache my micro usb to kaede board? I soldered but it is not working. Moreover, my project has been selected in Top 3. I don't know how to face this problem. I got board from colleagues to give demo in Top 20 grand finale. My friend board' s micro usb also got off. :(
have you try to debug your hardware connections, may be this problem is happening because of your connections to board or power supply.
can you show how you are giving supply to board.
just by connecting 5v adapter to board!
are you connecting USB cable also along with adapter??
you can give power supply to board via USB cable or via adapter, if you are giving power supply from adapter then you must not connect USB cable it may damage your board or your USB port...