hello sir,
I have done coding (below code) to use TPU5 timer to blink the LED0 with delay 100ms,
but I want to implement these with interrupt service routine.
so, how to code to enable these feature ?
#include <Arduino.h>char r=0;void setup(){ pinMode(PIN_LED0,OUTPUT); TPU5.TCR.BIT.TPSC = 0b110;//timer pre-scalar clk/256 TPU5.TCR.BIT.CKEG = 0b01;//clock edge setting TPU5.TCR.BIT.CCLR = 0b001;//counter clear on comapre match settings TPU1.TMDR.BIT.MD = 0b0000;//set the timer mode for normal operation TPU5.TIOR.BIT.IOA = 0b0000;//disable the timer I/O pin TIOCA5.....see page 1270 of datasheet TPU5.TIOR.BIT.IOB = 0b0000;//disable the timer I/O pin TIOCB5......see page 1270 of datasheet TPU5.TGRA = 0x927D; //set the counting period //TPU5.TIER.BIT.TGIEA = 1; //enable the TPU5 interrupt TPUA.TSTR.BIT.CST5 = 1;// start the timer}
/*void INT_Excep_TPU5_TGI5A(){ //digitalWrite(PIN_LED0,~digitalRead(PIN_LED0)); digitalWrite(PIN_LED0,HIGH);}*/void loop(){ if(TPU5.TSR.BIT.TGFA == 1) { TPU5.TSR.BIT.TGFA=0; digitalWrite(PIN_LED0,r); r=(~r); } }
I describe the code for using TPU5.
/* GR-KAEDE Sketch Template V1.16 */
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "rx64m/interrupt_handlers.h"
char r = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(PIN_LED0, OUTPUT);
TPU5.TCR.BIT.TPSC = 0b110; //timer pre-scalar clk/256
TPU5.TCR.BIT.CKEG = 0b01; //clock edge setting
TPU5.TCR.BIT.CCLR = 0b001; //counter clear on comapre match settings
TPU1.TMDR.BIT.MD = 0b0000; //set the timer mode for normal operation
TPU5.TIOR.BIT.IOA = 0b0000; //disable the timer I/O pin TIOCA5.....see page 1270 of datasheet
TPU5.TIOR.BIT.IOB = 0b0000; //disable the timer I/O pin TIOCB5......see page 1270 of datasheet
TPU5.TGRA = 0x927D; //set the counting period
/* Set TGI6A interrupt priority level to 5*/
IPR(TPU5,TGI5A) = 0x5;
/* Enable TGI6A interrupts */
IEN(TPU5,TGI5A) = 0x1;
/* Clear TGI6A interrupt flag */
IR(TPU5,TGI5A) = 0x0;
TPU5.TIER.BIT.TGIEA = 1; //enable the TPU5 interrupt
TPUA.TSTR.BIT.CST5 = 1; // start the timer
void INT_Excep_PERIB_INTB133()
void loop()
if (TPU5.TSR.BIT.TGFA == 1)
digitalWrite(PIN_LED0, r);
r = (~r);
/* comment out
void INT_Excep_PERIB_INTB133(void){
#if UseTpu5