Hey guys,
I am facing a problem in Renesas GR Kaede board. I have been trying to update my new code in the GR-Kaede board but the board gets disconnected after sometime and code doesn't burn. Pleas help me someone, i have to also prepare report and final video and present it on 16th december during finale!!
Sorry for the late reply.
Did you try reprogramming the firmware ?
Please see the page. renesasrulz.com/.../5618.aspx
If you can not reprogram firmware, the GR-KAEDE board may have some trouble.
we have doubt about endian mode to select during flash programming-> little or big endian
Sorry that the picture has only Japanese. This picture says the endian is set "Little" in "Basic Settings" area.
Please check if we are done with flashing firmware. Led 1-4 is flashing
I think it's OK and you can program your FW.
Sorry that my first comments may not be correct...
The error says "too large file".
If the error exactly caused by the file size, an extra new KAEDE board can't be programmed your binary, I think.
Now I try to contact Okamiya-san and other members.
I used simple led blink program to limit code size, but still getting error during sketch file upload.
Our final program code size is 208k
Thank you for checking it.
I think you may not spend so long time for this debugging, however could you try this way?
First, use RFP to erase all area of micro controller and then program the firmware again.
before "7. File addition", please run Erase command. (the menu "Microcontroller" has "Erase" command.)
After that please follow 7. File addition, 8, ...
I got this error after erase operation.
Could you take the checkmark of EB8 off ?
The access blocking of EB8 may be enabled. (I think it is a default setting for GR-KAEDE. )