Hey, If any one used BLE using sample code
I found that the ble device (gr-lychee) not showing in mobile ble list using android app
my serial logs,
Bluetooth sample startedESP32 readyGATT initializedsrv_index is 1Advertising started. Please connect to any client
I tried the sample, even I am not getting Gr-lychee as Board BLE name, but I am getting name as N/A using that I can do Advertising & send the string from mobile using BLE Scanner app.
have you checked with other Android devices with GPS ON if available?
I am getting something like this image
I tried the code uploaded by Selva on web compiler. As a result, the LightBlue on my iPhone display as below.
The above image show "GR-LYCHEE", but first it diplays "Unnamed". I'm not sure the cause, sorry for that.
Then I click "Unnamed", the below image is displayed.
Then the console displays as following image. I think the code itself is no problem, it depends on apps.
I'm sorry, but I don't have android, so I've not tried that.