Source code for HTTP stack - Performance/stability

We have analysed the feasibility of continuous streaming of 640x480 captured images using HTTP over WiFi. Our observations are below (Further details at

  1. The HTTP server stack (SW) is very unstable, and (1) closes connections randomly before the client receives 100% data (2) does not receive/process the socket commands (3) not suitable for gathering images continuously. We could not get more than 200 continuous images at any time in one session.
  2. This observation seems independent of the capture size, and occurs at resolutions 320x240 to 640x480
  3. JCU HW encode seems to be quite stable and fast.
  4. ESP32 interface seems to require a hard boot periodically, as it does not connect to the network some times after soft reset (IP address is empty).

As part of the analysis, we have also enhanced the original index.htm, with a new one at


- Is it possible to fix these issues as it is blocking our use-case ? Or obtain the source of the network stack to debug ? Note - we have already looked at

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