Any idea how to load RGB888 image format directly into frame buffer from this sample code?

From this code it is converting RGB2YUV format, there is nowhere I found to load RGB directly into frame buffer, any idea how to load that into frame buffer of RGB888 values,


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Camera.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#define IMAGE_HW 480
#define IMAGE_VW 272
#define BUTTON PIN_SW0
#define BPP_RGB 3 //bytes per pixel
#define BPP_YUV 2 //bytes per pixel
Camera camera(IMAGE_HW, IMAGE_VW);
bool lcd_on = true;
uint8_t lcd_buf[IMAGE_HW * IMAGE_VW * BPP_YUV] __attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
uint8_t campus_buf[IMAGE_HW * IMAGE_VW * BPP_RGB] __attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT);
  lcd.begin(lcd_buf, camera.getWidth(), camera.getHeight());
  for(int i = 0; i < IMAGE_VW; i++){
      for(int j = 0; j < IMAGE_HW*BPP_RGB; j+=BPP_RGB){
          campus_buf[0+j+i*IMAGE_HW*BPP_RGB] = (uint8_t)i;
          campus_buf[1+j+i*IMAGE_HW*BPP_RGB] = 0;
          campus_buf[2+j+i*IMAGE_HW*BPP_RGB] = 0;


load this as it is RGB value to frame buffer


///////////I don't want to use this //////////////////////////////////

//lcd.BGR2YUV(campus_buf, lcd_buf, IMAGE_HW, IMAGE_VW);
void loop() {

Any suggestion would be really appreciable.


