Problem in Wifi/BLE module assembled on GR-LYCHEE board.

Upon following the sample code of BLE given on below link:

I m getting these in-correct answer of AT-commands. Please! tell me how to correct these errors:

Ans: ÿÿs Jun  8 2016 .
eÿs Jun ÿ8 20ÿ6ÿ0ÿÿÿÿ‘
.šé *.•¹ªŠ.[ÿ;32mI (5
41) es®ÿ.[0;32mI‚’.[0;

Ans: ets Jun  8
2016 eÿÿ Juÿÿ 8 201ÿ
ÿÿ´.½..."5)‚‚..% 0  0
;0 pa: ) .ÿ0;32mI (169
) esdr1700im=0.[ŠÂ.[ÿ;
32mI (541) esÉõ.[0;32m

Ans:ets Jun  8 2016 eÿÿ Jÿÿ ÿ8ÿ
ÿÿ16 ÿ‹ÿcÿÁ0ÿ¹ÿ‚ÂÑ.‘•ÿ
ÿÉÿHhÿ(Ñÿ.ÿ[ÿ‚Šÿÿÿÿ ÿ:
I ÿ169) esdr(1‚Á}Á0m.
‚Š..[ÿ;32mI (541ÿ es–õ
.[0;32mI Ñ0.[0¥Ñ‰±<CR><LF>ready<CR><LF>

Ans:ets Jun  8 2016 eÿÿ Jun ÿ
8ÿ201ÿ ÿ‹ÿ±ÿbÿÿÿÿÿ‚ÿ×r«ÿÿ.ÿÿÿ%£+¬ë.ÿ"ÿJÿ‚‚.º
mI (169) es–õ1700im=0.
[ŠÂ.ÿÿ;32mI (541) es–õ

Ans:ets Jun 8 2016 etÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ8 2016 0Âÿ.ÿÿÙÿ‚,
[ÿ;ÿ2mIÿÿÿ68ÿ ÿs®‚S..šé *.«¹SS.[ÿ
ÿ32mI (541) es‚Âÿÿ0;32

  • Hi JB,
    Sorry, There are no updates on this issue. Still this issue is pending. I tried to solve myself but all in vain.
  • I was testing the ESP32-WROOM-32 module permanently soldered on GR-LYCHEE BOARD. I have initialized UART0 for module GPIO1->ESP_TXD & GPIO3->ESP_RXD pin connected between ESP module & R7S721030VCFP SoC. When i used standard AT firmware as recommend by Espressif ( ESP32-WROOM-32 module maker) .It was found that it was incorrectly answering the standard AT commands.

    Therefore, i decided to upgrade the AT command firmware given at link:
    To load this version of AT firmware, i followed the steps given at link:

    Since R7S721030VCFP SoC is wired like Serial to SPI bridge between ESP32 module & PC.

    Even after following the procedure correctly as given at ,

    it was not responding correctly, I also tried to follow the steps given in example

    But again response was incorrectly as given below:

    Ans: ÿÿs Jun 8 2016 .
    eÿs Jun ÿ8 20ÿ6ÿ0ÿÿÿÿ‘
    Éÿéÿbÿ[Ñ…ŠŠ sJmš’½½.ÿÚ
    .šé * .•¹ªŠ.[ÿ;32mI (5
    41) es®ÿ.[0;32mI‚’.[0;

    Ans: ets Jun 8
    2016 eÿÿ Juÿÿ 8 201ÿ
    ÿé0­}éÁÿ.‚‚ºÿÍÿ« ard
    ÿÿ´.½..."5)‚‚..% 0 0
    ;0 pa: ) .ÿ0;32mI (169
    ) esdr1700im=0.[ŠÂ.[ÿ;
    32mI (541) esÉõ.[0;32m

    Ans:ets Jun 8 2016 eÿÿ Jÿÿ ÿ8ÿ
    ÿÿ16 ÿ‹ÿcÿÁ0ÿ¹ÿ‚ÂÑ.‘•ÿ
    ÿÉÿHhÿ(Ñÿ.ÿ[ÿ‚Šÿÿÿÿ ÿ:
    I ÿ169) esdr(1‚Á}Á0m.
    ‚Š..[ÿ;32mI (541ÿ es–õ
    .[0;32mI Ñ0.[0¥Ñ‰±<CR><LF>ready<CR><LF>

    Ans:ets Jun 8 2016 eÿÿ Jun ÿ
    8ÿ201ÿ ÿ‹ÿ±ÿbÿÿÿÿÿ‚ÿ×r«ÿÿ.ÿÿÿ%£+¬ë.ÿ"ÿJÿ‚‚.º
    mI (169) es–õ1700im=0.
    [ŠÂ.ÿÿ;32mI (541) es–õ

    Ans:ets Jun 8 2016 etÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ8 2016 0Âÿ.ÿÿÙÿ‚,
    l.[… 1:®«£+2ÿot..’j‚‚ÿ.ÿm‚‚• ’j..’jJ..š.
    [ÿ;ÿ2mIÿÿÿ68ÿ ÿs®‚S..šé * .«¹SS.[ÿ
    ÿ32mI (541) es‚Âÿÿ0;32

    Cross Compiler issue:

    Compiler recommended by renesas : Mbed,e2studio, IDE for GR.

    Compiler Feedback: I have tested these three compilers. I found IDE for GR is easy to configure But Mbed & e2studio are heavy & bulky, also complicated to configure. All these three compilers have generated very & bulk *.bin (binary file) to load inside GR-LYCHEE BOARD. A small code of blinking four LEDS soldered on-board, source code given as example is too much complicated i.e many files need to be included in complicated fashion.

    Compiler recommended by me : Segger embedded studio.

    Compiler Feedback: I have tested this compiler. I found this IDE easy to configure. It generates excellent quality *.bin (binary file) with a very smaller memory footprint. But I need to do painstaking research work to separate the required files from the software package to compile various examples like blinky,switch,uart etc.

    Board level design issue:

    GR-LYCHEE board contains LPC11U35FHI33/501 to load the *.bin (binary file) in R7S721030VCFP SoC for execution. It creates usb mass storage device where *.bin (binary file) is to copied for programming R7S721030VCFP SoC.

    Technical issue: LPC11U35FHI33/501 on-board demands CMSIS-DAPLINK driver for which files to configure this are not available on net. It does not have debugging facility which complicates or

    slows down the development. So, please! provide a debugger emulator inside LPC11U35FHI33/501 which we can easily configure inside all cross-compiler like Segger embedded studio, Mbed,e2studio, IDE for GR.

    Please! revert me asap.
  • Hi,

    I did it.

    First, I did flash the bin serial bridge you mentioned.

    Then I connected the USB cable to USB0 of GR-LYCHEE with pushing UB0.

    Then I dowonload the Flash Tool V3.8.5 from expressif. 

    Then I started to flash the firmware as below.


    Then I disconnect and connect the USB cable to MBED connector on GR-LYCHEE.

    That is for confirmation to execute AT commands as following.

    Then I tried the BLE sample code which is described in Gadget Renesas Website you mentioned.

    As a result, I did connect GR-LYCHEE to my iPhone using Light Blue as following.

  • I need to check this & repeat all the steps again , since i m using Segger embedded Studio for compiling binary executable.

  • I have received this message from Espressif:
    If you use ESP32-WROOM-32m, just need 4 pins :GP IO-16, GPIO-17 , 3V3, GND , then can use AT commands to control module.