Upon following the sample code of BLE given on below link:
I m getting these in-correct answer of AT-commands. Please! tell me how to correct these errors:
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Hi Chintu,
Any updates on this issue? Have you solved this already?
JBRenesasRulz Forum Moderator
I did it.
First, I did flash the bin serial bridge you mentioned.
Then I connected the USB cable to USB0 of GR-LYCHEE with pushing UB0.
Then I dowonload the Flash Tool V3.8.5 from expressif.
Then I started to flash the firmware as below.
Then I disconnect and connect the USB cable to MBED connector on GR-LYCHEE.
That is for confirmation to execute AT commands as following.
Then I tried the BLE sample code which is described in Gadget Renesas Website you mentioned.
As a result, I did connect GR-LYCHEE to my iPhone using Light Blue as following.
I need to check this & repeat all the steps again , since i m using Segger embedded Studio for compiling binary executable.