HI,I am working with GR-PEACH version F(X28A-M01F).Any one tell how to set ip address for board in program using IDE and also please send the sample code and library to be used. thank you.
In case of using IDE for GR(Arduino sketch), the sample for web camera exist like below.
// Sample for GR-PEACH//// Required hardware: Ethernet, following files stored in SD// index.htm : gadget.renesas.com/.../index.htm//// Public Domain#include <Arduino.h>#include "SPI.h"#include "SD.h"#include "HTTPServer.h"#include "EthernetInterface.h"#include "FATFileSystem.h"#include "RomRamBlockDevice.h"#include "Camera.h"FATFileSystem fs("storage");RomRamBlockDevice romram_bd(512000, 512);#define NUM_WEBFILES 1const char mount_files[NUM_WEBFILES][13] = { //name should be 8.3 format "index.htm"};/** Network setting **/// #define IP_ADDRESS ("") /* IP address */// #define SUBNET_MASK ("") /* Subnet mask */// #define DEFAULT_GATEWAY ("") /* Default gateway */Camera camera(640, 480);EthernetInterface network;File myFile;static int snapshot_req(const char ** pp_data) { int encode_size = camera.createJpeg(); *pp_data = (const char *) camera.getJpegAdr(); ; return encode_size;}static void mount_romramfs(void) { FILE * fp; romram_bd.SetRomAddr(0x18000000, 0x1FFFFFFF); fs.format(&romram_bd, 512); fs.mount(&romram_bd); char write_path[20]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WEBFILES; i++) { myFile = SD.open(mount_files[i], FILE_READ); if (myFile) { sprintf(write_path, "/storage/%s", mount_files[i]); fp = fopen(write_path, "w"); // read from the file until there's nothing else in it: while (myFile.available()) { putc(myFile.read(), fp); } // close the file: myFile.close(); fclose(fp); } }}void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("********* PROGRAM START ***********\r\n"); if (!SD.begin()) { return; } mount_romramfs(); //RomRamFileSystem Mount camera.begin(); if (network.connect() != 0) { return; } Serial.print("MAC Address is "); Serial.println(network.get_mac_address()); Serial.print("IP Address is "); Serial.println(network.get_ip_address()); Serial.print("NetMask is "); Serial.println(network.get_netmask()); Serial.print("Gateway Address is "); Serial.println(network.get_gateway()); Serial.println("Network Setup OK\r\n"); SnapshotHandler::attach_req(&snapshot_req); FSHandler::mount("/storage", "/"); HTTPServerAddHandler<SnapshotHandler>("/camera"); //Camera HTTPServerAddHandler<FSHandler>("/"); HTTPServerStart(&network, 80);}void loop() {}