GR-SAKURA USB Virtual Serial Comm Port ExampleTo use a virtual serial port, you must use the dedicated driver "GRSAKURA.inf" for Port (COM and LPT).The USB driver "GRSAKURA.inf" selects COM4: がじぇっとルネサス SAKURA (COM4).Original of this example: http://japan.renesasrulz.com/gr_user_forum_japanese/f/4/t/82.aspx
GR-SAKURA COM Driver Location: http://japan.renesasrulz.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/telligent-evolution-components-attachments/00-04-01-00-00-00-04-13/sakura_2D00_vcom_2D00_drv.zip
*/#include <rxduino.h>int count;void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); // opens a virtual serial port. the baud rate parameter does nothing. pinMode(PIN_LED3, OUTPUT);}void loop() { if(Serial.available()) { // If any key is hit, Serial.write(Serial.read()); digitalWrite(PIN_LED3, ++count & 1); // LED D4 turns on. }}
I can't find the driver on this location :(
Click on the Files menu (on left side of this page).
Istvan, and whoever add the file, many thanks indeed!