Using GR-SAKURA II(256KB SRAM) for ROS2 applications

ROS (Robot Operating System) is a very popular platform for the research and prototyping in the robotics community. Renesas has developed a ROS2 support software based for GR-SAKURA II and presented it at ROSCon2017. ROS2 is next generation of ROS1 and Renesas demonstrated that even lightweight MCU such as RX63N can support ROS2. The code is already opensourced on GitHub repository page. Please see useful links below.
Renesas is working on enhancement of robotics solutions including further ROS support. Stay tuned to Renesas.

ROSCon2017 lightning talk presentation

ROSCON2017 Lightning Talks DAY1 video

GitHub repository page

ROS2 Reference:
Why ROS 2.0?