50% Discount Coupons for AE-CLOUD1, WiFi Module, SEGGER Debugger, and S5D9

Coupons are available for 50% off the AE-CLOUD1 Kit, AE-Wi-Fi module, S5D9 IoT Fast Prototyping Kit and SEGGER J-Link debugger. You can apply the coupon to multiple Renesas products in the same shopping cart. You can also buy multiple units of the same product to save on shipping costs. 

To get a coupon, send a note to Jesse Casman ([email protected]).



We have a lot of development tutorials for the S5D9 IoT Fast Prototyping Kit that is included with the AE-CLOUD1 kit. If you already have a S5D9 IoT Fast Prototyping Kit, you can buy the WiFi module or debugger separately and connect them to your existing board. You will need the debugger to use the binary that allows the WiFi module to connect to the IoT Sandbox.  See the article Renesas AE-CLOUD1 Factory Reset article to change the binary on your S5D9 IoT Fast Prototyping Kit to the binary that shipped with the AE-CLOUD1 kit.

To get a coupon, send a note to Jesse Casman ([email protected]). 

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  • Jesse,

    Awesome! Coupon has been received.

    As I mentioned in my email to you, as far as what I am looking to build, I have a couple of IoT and IIoT Robotic ideas and I am looking for the product that is the right fit. The AE-Cloud1 kit offers a chance to check out the Synergy Platform and the Wi-Fi connectivity offers an option to send data to a cloud or off system area for further processing. The 6-axis digital compass and environmental options would be perfect for collecting data associated with the local area of the device. I would certainly be looking to add MQTT so the AE-CLOUD1 could communicate with other nodes.

    Element14 does RoadTest reviews for other products, so I was wondering if Renesas has thought about doing something similar with the AE-CLOUD1 kit?
  • This is the first time I've seen Element14, just looking through it now. Do you use the community part often? Do you write RoadTest reviews? It looks like there's a selection process and then when you get the product you have 60 days to complete it? www.element14.com/.../roadtest-frequently-asked-questions-faqs
  • Yeah, I'm part of the element14 community and have participated in RoadTests, Project14 projects and design challenges which can be challenging. The AE-CLOUD1 Kit would be perfect for a RoadTest. I'm not sure how the vendor side works, but if Renesas is interested in this, I would suggest a rep contact Randall Scasny from element14 to see how to get the kit in the cycle. There might be a restriction that the product is sold on their site though.

