R5F6411FNLG programming help needed

Dear friends , hello to all :)

i need your knowledge about R5F6411FNLG processor.

My problem is my cameras firmware update failed and i bricked a lens olympus 12mm

and olympus software not dedects lens no more and no way to use olympus software.

i checked inside mcu is R5F6411FNLG , i have segger jtag but this mcu is not in list.

camera pinout is attached and i have firmware file.

How can i programme this file to my lens back? OL103011.rar

Parents Reply
  • i desoldered mcu today , problem is at datasheet there are so many rxd txd pins

    (0- to 8)

    which pins i have to use ?

    another question  my xtal connected pins A5 and B6.

    Gnd pins D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,C5,E5,F5,G5,H5,J5,K5

    Vcc pins C1 ,C2

    C2 is vdc1 but none of my gnd pins are declared as Vss at datasheet pinout.

    AS i und i have to use rxd1 and txd1 .Because u said me its using uart uart1. Am i right?

    And when i open my dump with renesas programming software it shows all FF why ?

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