I am using for several months the E8a debugger with a R32C111 without any problem.
Suddenly I am facing an error message "Failed to erase the flash rom" when I tried to initiate the E8a.
I didn't change anything to the hardware, it just happened one day after working perfectly
the day before.
I check the power suplied by the E8a and discover the voltage delivered is too low
2,8v when 3.3 was selected from Hew interface or
3,0v when 5.0 was selected from Hew interface.
If I tried 10 times it finally works but really would like to understand and fix it.
Is anybody has an idea ?
Thanks Jean-Pierre
If the used address space did not change since yesterday, I would say your processor is dead.
Most probably you have been using software breaks (red dots) during debug and ignored the messages "Flash memory writing"?
Now I would say your flash is damaged.
I have not seen any "Flash memory writing" but the main
question is why the power supplied by the E8a is so low?
This can explained why the flash memory cannot be erased
with this level of power supply
Good news, the processor is not dead !
I used an external power supply and everything is working fine so the problem
is definitely coming from the E8a power supply, any idea?
What is the problem with the Red dots debugging ?
Here is an example of several flash memory writing which seems to be ok
Pls advise
Boot version "VER.0.01"E8a firmware version ""Connected Flash memory writing ... Flash memory writing ... OKRESET CPURESET CPU Flash memory writing ... Flash memory writing ... OKBREAK POINT
Over time all this flash writing kills the memory of your processor.
First reactions get slower as flash programming time increases and then the flash is dead.
One indication for a dead flash is the erase error message.
The better solution is to use the blue dots for breakpoints. They are faster and they don't reprogram the flash.
I have not yet seen that the Vcc output of an E8a was damaged.
The 5V output comes from a TI TPS2055A.
The 3.3V output comes from a Ricoh R1130C001H.
Both get the power supply from VBUS on the USB connection.
And both voltages are output via HRW0503A Shottky diodes.
Not much you could damage...
Thanks for your explanations.
How can I switch from red to blue points foir debugging?
Just do the double click to set/clear a break point one column further to the left (the one titled "E..", which should be "Event")?
thks I will try the blue point now, hope to save cpu life !