Calling C function from asm prog

Hi there,

I am still struggling to call a C function from an assembler program

Here is the command used:

jsr $pff.c   I tried also jsr _pff.c

The result is always the same:

Error (asp100): Characters exist in expression

Any clue ?

Thks in advance for your help


Parents Reply
  • Following successfully calling C functions from asm, I am now facing a new issue:

    My data are defined as follows in asm project

    ; RAM area allocation

    .section data_SB8, data

    record_size: .blkl 1

    but I don't know how to include variable and structure defined in C language functions to my data section

    defined in asm

    Here is an example of a structure defined in H file

    /* Directory object structure */

    typedef struct {
    WORD index; /* Current read/write index number */
    BYTE* fn; /* Pointer to the SFN (in/out) {file[8],ext[3],status[1]} */
    CLUST sclust; /* Table start cluster (0:Static table) */
    CLUST clust; /* Current cluster */
    DWORD sect; /* Current sector */
    } DIR;

    and variable defined in C file like:

    BYTE i, c;

    Thks for your help
