Question about renesas R32C/11

Hi guys,

I new user with family R32C/111. I have read R32C it is 32-bit CICS, but when I download and read it's datasheet, I have found out that it has only CPU 32bit registers but peripherals has only 8-bit control registers (SPI, UART, ADC..). For me it's weird because I worked with ARM 7, CORTEX-M0, 3,4.They are 32-bit MCU, so they have 32-bit core register and thus have 32-bit control register peripherals. Then Microchip PIC18 - 80bit MCU, that's 8-bit core and 8-bit peripherals , PIC32 that's 32-bit core and 32-bit peripherals 

My questions are:

What's new here? and why CISC 32-bit family RENESAS has this architecture?

Thank you.


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