Device detected but not identifyed: RX651 + Windows 10

Hi everyone.

I want connect my RX651 to Windows 10 PC through USB but I'm getting some problems.

I'm trying to test the "RX Family Sample Program using USB Peripheral Communication Device Class Driver (PCDC) to communicate via USB with USB Host Firmware Integration Technology - Sample Code", who use the r_usb_basic and r_usb_pcdc FIT modules.

When I run this example Windows detects a new USB device but can't identify it. Windows doesn't found any VENDOR, ID or another information from the RX651. I have tried to change the configuration of the ID and VENDOR but windows always detects it as "USB device \ VID_0000 & PID_0002",(regardless of what values have I configured) without any hardware, manufacturer or other own information. I think the key is the red part, ¿why windows detects always that VID and PID configuration if I'm configuring other different?

If I run the board in bootloader mode, Windows detects and identify the board successfully as COM & LPT device (USB\VID_045B&PID_0244\5&19474940&0&4).

In both cases I have update windows drivers and installed CDC_Demo driver that Renesas provide in r_usb_pcdc FIT (\src\smc_gen\r_usb_pcdc\utilities\CDC_Demo.inf).

I have also tested another Renesas demo code where it explain step by step how configure the serial USB conection, but I have the same results. Tried in both Windows 7 and Windows 10 (64 bits).

As I'm using official Renesas examples I might suppose it can be Windows problem, maybe some drivers problem but I have installed the oficial Renesas driver too.

I haven't found any solutions in other open topics so I would appreciate any help. I can provide the example codes or anything you need.



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