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8A34043 ClockMatrix - SYNC Pulse configuration with Timing Commander


I have designed a custom test board for 8A34043 (Rev E) ClockMatrix chip based on the EVK schematics.

My target application is to re-synchronize Qx clock output on an asynchronous/random event on CLKx input by using SYNC PULSE feature. For this application, Qx output frequency may be 10 MHz.

I am using Timing Commander and I managed to output 10 MHz on Q8 nQ8 (differential LVPECL). I also configured Q9 at a random frequency of 100 kHz with a Duty Cycle of about 10% (100 ns high time). Then I tied Q9 output to CLK0 input.

Now I would like to configure Q8 in SYNC PULSE mode using CLK0 as reference but I can't find the proper configuration to do so... In what I understand, the "first" rising edge of Q8 will be re-aligned on each rising edge of CLK0?

I join you my current Timing Commander profile. Thanks in advance for the help.



[locked by: Michael Quirk at 15:18 (GMT 0) on 2 Jul 2024]