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I am planing to use the 9BV0641 PCI clock fanout to fan out a PCIe 3.0 clock to a packet switch and two PCie 1.0 outputs. I have questions about configuration and start up routine. I can't use the SMBus during start up, other than debugging, I was wondering if this is possible? I read that you can configure the IC through the pins but was not able to understand which pins I should used and how should I set them up. Can you help in this regards? Any documents or reference designs are welcomed. 

Best regards,


[locked by: Michael Quirk at 20:15 (GMT 0) on 13 Aug 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Comments from Engineering:

    This device has no OTP, everything that can be set is defined in metal. The pin functions are also defined. Note that if all the OE# pins are tied high, the outputs are disabled. If the desire is for all the outputs to be enabled, then the OE# pins need to be tied low. Also, bypass mode is the correct operating mode. The SMBus would only be needed/wanted for any debug purposes. I don’t think that will be needed since the part is operating as a fanout buffer.

    Make sure that there are no 50ohm pull downs on the outputs, they are not needed with LP-HCSL output types.

    There is another buffer about to be released that has OTP, but what exact configuration changes would interest the customer. Such configuration could only be offered for high volumes since the part is only factory programmable.

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