I made a script which gets gcc from the release notes, gets e2 studios, copies in ssp 1.7.8 and then installs synergy from the command line. I run the script and it will generate a binary. It works great in ubuntu 20.04.
When I try to run this inside of a docker container, i get totally different results. It will not build. Has anyone sucessfully generated a binary using e2studio from inside a docker container?
./e2studio \--launcher.suppressErrors \-nosplash \-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild \-data worspace.headless \-import "/sparkcharge/mcb/Production_v1" \-build all \-cleanBuild all \-vmargs -Dcom.renesas.synergyLicenseFile="/home/orenderj/renesas_tools/temp/internal/projectgen/arm/licenses/SSP_License_Example_EvalLicense_20180725.xml"
Hi Orenderj,would you please send me how you install the e2studio environment on Ubuntu?I have issues with the GCC compiler version.(My environment are: gcc (GCC) 8.3.1 20191121 )
e2studio_linux_x86_64-2021-04-R20210204-2109.tar.xzon /Renesas/e2studio2021-02CentOS Linux 8 (Core)gcc is hashed (/bin/gcc)