I'm building a firmware with e2, and load a personal static lib, xxxx.a into my project, i want to put this lib into qspi flash because the lib size a little big, can anyone give some help on this case, thanks so much.
You need to allocate code (and data) section to the QSPI Flash address.How to do it depends on which liker you use.You should inform which toolchain (and device) you use when posting a question.> static lib, xxxx.a into my projectAh, extension *.a looks like GCC, then read these FAQ first:FAQ - Allocating a variable/function to a specified section in a GCC projecthttps://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/19554085FAQ - Allocating sections in GCC projectshttps://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/19597376
Thank Okra,
I use e2 IDE, gcc version is 10.3.1, device is synergy S5D9, and the lib is also build by gcc, I have checked the link you attached, but this is no anws about lib operations, it just provide method about fuction and variable.
> but this is no anws about lib operationsIt's NOT dynamic link, but static link.Library file (*.a) is just an archived file store object files (*.o).Code and data in library will be placed similarly as other object file.Read this page for how to link *.a file.FAQ - Library link failure in GCC projecthttps://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/20329712You can specify library file name in linker script:cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45489487/referring-to-a-specific-symbol-in-a-static-library-with-the-gnu-gold-linker