E2Studio FSP5.1 cannot find fsp.ld

Hi, I have a new install of FSP5.1 / e2s v2023-10 running on Windows 10 under Parallels on a Mac. This version of FSP/e2s works OK on Ubuntu but on Windows, on a working project, the linker cannot find fsp.ld

These are the steps I have followed

  • Instal fsp5.1 e2sv2023-10
  • Import the working Ubuntu project from gitlab
  • Add the same gcc toolchain used on Ubuntu
  • Generate the project content and it creates script\fsp.ld
  • Build the project and it fails on linking with

c:/program files (x86)/gnu arm embedded toolchain/10 2021.10/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: cannot open linker script file fsp.ld: No such file or directory

I have removed/re-installed the toolchain, deleted the fsp.ld and recreated it but it still fails at linking. 

Does anybody have any suggestions on which setting / path etc needs updating in the project?