I ordered two of these boards. I used JLinkExe to download code to them and to debug programs on them.
JLinkExe no longer works with either board. I get the same error from both boards when trying to connect to them. Here are the messages that I get from JLinkExe:
Connecting to target via cJTAGConfigTargetSettings() startConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 339usCould not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.Failed to identify target. Resetting via Reset pin and trying again.ConfigTargetSettings() startConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 29usTotalIRLen = 5, IRPrint = 0x05JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x00000001, IRLen: 05, Unknown deviceDebug architecture: RISC-V debug: 0.13 AddrBits: 14 DataBits: 32 IdleClks: 4Memory access: Via system bus: No Via ProgBuf: Yes (8 ProgBuf entries) Via abstract command (AAM): May be tried as last resortDataBuf: 4 entries autoexec[0] implemented: YesFailed to temporarily halt core during identificationAttaching to core failed. Trying again with connect under reset (ndmreset-bit)Memory access:Detected: RV32 coreTemp. halting CPU for for feature detection...CPU could not be haltedConnect failed. Resetting via Reset pin and trying again.ConfigTargetSettings() startConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 11usTotalIRLen = 5, IRPrint = 0x05JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: #0 Id: 0x00000001, IRLen: 05, Unknown device****** Error: Timeout while waiting for core to halt after reset and halt requestSpecific core setup failed.Error occurred: Could not connect to the target device.
Did anyone else have these problems? Any ideas of how to fix this?
Thanks for any help
Is this the board ?
Make sure J18 is open so J-Link Emulator On-board is enabled.
J-Link Commander Version V7.96b (2024-03-20) supports R9A02G021. Make sure you have a later version than this.
I have not changed any jumper settings on either of the boards.
Both are bricked and JLinkExe gives the same error for both boards:
"****** Error: Timeout while waiting for core to halt after reset and halt request"Specific core setup failed.Error occurred: Could not connect to the target device.
I get the same error using Linux / Mac OS / Windows.
I wonder if there is a problem with these boards?
Have you check your USB cable ?
I can connect with J-Link Commander without problem.
Make sure you have a later version than 7.96b.
I downloaded version 7.96n. When I tried JLinkExe it asked me to upgrade the firmware on the devices. With one board the upgrade FAILED!
I tried using the boards with 3 different USB C cables and got the same errors.
Would you like me to mail the boards to you? Maybe you can figure out why they failed. They are useless to me now since they are bricked.