The flow of posting is shown as follows.
1. Sign in to Renesas Engineering Community2. Become a member of the target community3. Select the target Forum and click "+New" button4. Edit your posting content and click "Post" button
Descrive in detail below.
<Preparation>1. Sign in to Renesas Engineering Community In order to post to Forum, Sign in is necessary. Click "User Icon" in the upper right and so Login window open. Please login using your ID and Password. (*) Regarding how to register users, please refer to the "How to User Registration and How to Login" page.
2. Become a member of the target community Press the [Join] button displayed on the Home page of the community you want to post as a member of that community.
When you become a member, [+New] button is displayed and you can post in that community's Forum.
<Explanation of post creation window>3. Select the target Forum and click "+New" button The create post window is displayed.
4. Edit your posting content and click "Post" button The create post window is as follow.
Tags: separate multiple tags with a comma.
Subject: Title of this thread.
Description: You can insert a file by drag and drop it into this Description box. You can insert by using "insert" menu too.
Notify me when someone replies to this post: when there is a reply to your post, it is notified to you by mail.(*) However, in the "Notifications" tab of "Settings" menu, if the check of "Replies are added to threads I'm subscribed to" is missing, or if the check on "Email" or "Live Alert" in Actibity is missing, it will not be notified.By default it is checked to notify all Activity.
Post: After writing the text, click here and it will be posted to Forum.