Hi I.m Dinesh . I'm testing RTBTM01 adapter module. I need some clarification. According to the documents I successfully tested sample profiles in Modem configuration. But In case of Embedded configuration- Simple Sample Program while determining prebuilt hex files, which i successfully downloaded the program but no expected results. I'm referring the document BLE protocol stack-sample program(R01AN1375EJ0120) APPLICATION NOTES (Content 6.1) . I used renesas flash programmer v30400 & E1 emulator for downloading , prebuilt hex files -> SIMPLE_SAMPLE.hex(CC-RL) ((/Renesas/BLE_Software_Ver_X_XX/RL78_G1D/ROM_File ----> RL78_G1D_CCE(SIMPLE_SAMPLE).hex(CC-RL)). At time of checking the Simple Sample Program behavior with Android Device using “BLE Scanner Version 3.6” BLE Scanner. Result: Only I can see, it is advertising but i can't connect the peripheral(MCU).
About connections: I'm not using Renesas PWR & main board- (R0K3ZBBBDBN00BR). I given connections from E1 emulator straightly to the RTBTM01 pins as shown in RTBTM01_Hardware_user_Manual--> 5.2 - Programming connections & fig 5.2.
And also while building the HEX file from source codes (/Renesas/BLE_Software_Ver_X_XX/RL78_G1D/renesas/tools/simple_sample), I.m getting errors like
(E) E0511134 E0511134:Input file "..\..\..\..\..\..\rBLE\src\sample_simple\rble_sample_app_peripheral.c" is not found. rBLE_Emb.mtsp
Stacks which i used: BLE PROTOCOL STACK (VER.1.21),(VER.1.20). Developement environment: CS+ CC
So Please kindly provide me a solution and rectify my errors.
Thank you
Hi Dinesh,
Any update with your issue? Have you found the solution to it?
JBRenesasRulz Forum Moderator
Unfortunately, I don't have any solution right now. But based on the error, it seems that "rble_sample_app_peripheral.c" is missing. Did you try to check if the file is in the folder?