Hello ,
- We are using DA14531 for our development.
- Have interface TPMS pressure sensor with DA14531 over I2C . and we are using DA14531 as I2C slave.-
- Firstly I have interfaced sensor with only peripheral I2C code and its working fine, can able to read the data.(E:\Dialog\Multilink\SW_Examples\DA145xx_SDK\\projects\target_apps\peripheral_examples\I2C-Master-Slave\I2C_Slave)
- the I merged my I2C code with central code of software example below is the path, when i try to run its stuck at assert warning path, not able to read the data. Please suggest why code getting hang when i merge with BLE Central code.
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance
Pavan S K
Hi Pavan,Thank you for posting your question online.Have you configured your I2C pins and initialization inside the user_periph_setup.c/h files?Did you just copy the files you were interested inside the central example?Your projects get this assert warning during initialization?
Kind Regards,OV_Renesas
Yes , I have initialized in user_periph_setup.h, Yes i have merged working I2C program into the cental and yes project gets asser warning in initialization.
Pavan S K3276.central.zip
Waiting for your reply.