In the host_apps folder of SDK6, there is an Windows application code of SUOTA in a sub-folder initiator, and the code initiates a COM port on Windows for SUOTA operation.
I guess the device to which the COM port is connected is a DEVKT, like DA145xx Pro Dev Kit. But the application code of this DEVKT for SUOTA operation with host_apps on Windows is not found in SDK. If it is possible please provide more detail about this.
Hi Jim,Thank you for posting your question online.The host_suotai_585.exe you are referring on the path: ...\\binaries\host\windows\suota\initiator is the SUOTA initiator application that you can run on PC.In order to use it you need to download prox_monitor_ext and then run on top the suota initiator host application.Go on the path:...\\projects\target_apps\ble_examples\prox_monitor_extThe host_suotai_585 is designed for the DA14585/6 devices. Open CMD and use the host_suotai_585.exe as stated here:Kind Regards,OV_Renesas
Hi OV_Renesas,
I would like to clarify something.
In my imagination, the whole setup of the SUOTA application would have three items.
1. the SUOTA initiator application run on PC
2. a COM port to BLE device running SUOTA client which is connected to PC
3. a BLE device running SUOTA service.
Do you mean the prox_monitor_ext should be download into the 2nd item on the list for the SUOTA initiator application on PC?
Hi Jim,Thank you for the reply.For Software Update over the air you need the following:The host_suotai_585.exe is designed to act as the SUOTA Initiator for the DA14585/6 devices.If you want to use the host_suotai_585 , you should download the prox_monitor_ext fw into the DA14585 which will act as your SUOTA Receiver and then start the host_suotai_585 which will act as your SUOTA Initator.Kind Regards,OV_Renesas
The usage of host_suotai_585.exe requires a argument of the <com port number>, which seems to be used to connect to the full embedded DA14585 for the SUOTA initiator on PC.
If this <com port number> is not a Bluetooth SPP service on PC, then I would like to know if you provides the firmware of this full embedded DA14585 for the SUOTA initiator.
D:\>host_suotai_585.exemissing argumentsUsage: host_suotai <com port number> <bdaddr> <.bin file> <mem_dev_opts><com port number> = the com port number for the full embedded DA14585 for the SUOTA initiator. E.g. 16 for COM16.<bdaddr> = the BD address of the target SUOTA receiver device. E.g. 11:89:55:45:23:01.<.bin file> = the binary file containing the image.<mem_dev_opts> = i2c <i2c_dev_opts> | spi <spi_dev_opts><i2c_dev_opts> = <image bank> <I2C device addr> <SCL gpio> <SDA gpio> <block size><spi_dev_opts> = <image bank> <MISO gpio> <MOSI gpio> <CS gpio> <SCK gpio> <block size><image bank> = the image bank can be 0,1 or 2. "0" means replace the oldest image.<I2C device addr> = the I2C slave address for the I2C memory device. It is an 8-bit HEX value, e.g. 0B.<XXX gpio> = the name of the gpio that is assigned for the XXX function, e.g. P2_2<block size> = the block size that will be used for the software update over the air procedure. A multiple of 20 is recommended. Block size should not exceed the buffer length of the receiver. but should be greater than 64 bytes which is the length of the image header.<temporary key> = passkey or OOB data. This argument is optional
Hi Jim,Apologies for the delay.Please check the following instructions on how to use the host_suotai_585 script:For instance:
Run the following command in order to perform suota using suota initiatorhost_suotai_585 <SerialPort> <BD_address> <ImageFile> <SPI> <BankSelection> <spi_din_pin> <spi_dout_pin> <spi_en_pin> <spi_clk_pin> <Block_size>example:
host_suotai_585 42 EA:EA:EB:EB:EC:EA my_image.img spi 0 P0_5 P0_6 P0_3 P0_0 240
In the example above:35 is the COM port of prox_monitor_ext.EA:EA:EB:EB:EC:EA is the BD address of the peripheral you want to update (in my case proximity-reporter with SUOTA enabled in a second DA14585 device)my_image.img is the file that will be transferred over the air to update proximity-reporter in my casespi use spi0 bank is 0P0_5 P0_6 P0_3 P0_0 - SPI Pin configuration for DA14585240 block sizeUnfortunately, the contents of the host_suotai_585 script are not available.Kind Regards,OV_Renesas