code flash issue

Hi ,

We have designed the custom board using DA14531 SOC and observed some issues while programming the board. I can able to detect the SOC but failing when i try to program it with smart snipet tool box. Please find the below screenshot for your reference.

Device is detecting.

please suggest.

Thanks in advance

Pavan S K

Parents Reply
  • Hi PSK,

    Apologies for the delay.
    Our HW team did not see much improvements in the layout. Do you face any issues when you try to implement our suggestions?


    • R13 only makes sense, if they would like to decide later to run in buck or bypass mode.
    • There is no type number for Z9 and Y1. Are those components fitting to our spec?
    • Which serial interface is used to control the 531 in direct test mode?


    • There is still a gap in the reference ground for the RF trace.
    • The grounding on the bottom layer below the 531 is cut.
    • RF ground pins should not be connected on the top layer with analog/digital ground pins (see AN-B-075)
    • The external components of the DCDC converter should not couple the DCDC noise into sensitive traces. There is some risk of coupling into XTAL32Mm.
    • The routing of VCC_3.3V is not optimal. it should not run under the 32MHz xtal pins and the RF port.
    • C2 should be as close as possible to pin 5 (VBAT_LOW).

    Kind regards,

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