DA14531 Name Change Service/Characteristic

I was curious if there's a characteristic to change the GAP device name.

I know there's one to see the name, but I didn't see one to change the name. Is this one I'd have to manually create or is there a simple way to do so?



For those reading this in the future, I verified 3 answers for this. 1 is for a service and characteristic. The other 2 are for AT commands to accomplish the same task, 1 with persistent data and the other without.

Parents Reply
  • Hi There,

    As you can see the AT+ADVDATA and AT+ADVRESP commands are not available for DA14531:

    However, you can define them on the user_at_command.h file and they should work as expected.
    The ADVDATA command updates the advertising data and the ADVRESP command updates the scan response data. 
    In codeless, we have stored the Device Name on the Scan Response Data. So you will have to modify the Scan Response Data accordingly in order to change the name. As you can see on the Codeless User Manual, both these commands will require the advertising to restart in order to take effect. 
    Also, when you are connected, even if you update the Scan Response data with your New device name, the Device Name will remain the default. 
    You will have to create your own custom command to update the device name. You will have to store your device name into the device_info struct.

    Kind Regards,
