Hey all!
I have been working on DA14531 micro - controller, using keil uVision application software to develop a firmware and Dialog Smartbond Flash Programmer application software to load the same.
Details of the hardware/ software applications:1. DA14531: Micro - controller that is being used.2. Keil uVision5: Application to develop the firmware and generate a hex file to load the same. 3. Dialog Smartbond Flash Programmer v1.0.8: Application to load the firmware.4. J - link (Segger JTAG): The interface used to load the firmware.5. SDK_6.0.18: SDK that has basic in-built examples [the main SDK].6. BLE_SDK6_examples: SDK that has advertising in-built examples.
The aim is to achieve the working of DA14531 as a beacon with necessary application. Hence, I would want to link the the above mentioned SDK ie BLE_SDK6_examples to the main used SDK ie SDK_6.0.18.
I tried following the steps mentioned in the section named "EXAMPLE USAGE" of the below website but failed linking them both ie the BLE_SDK6_examples'folder doesn't seem to appear within the SDK_6.0.18 folder.
The reference link: github.com/.../Readme.md
The above link also has the BLE_SDK6_examples that I'm trying to link to the main SDK.
I also tried the same using the SDK_6.0.16.1144 instead of SDK_6.0.18, yet resulted in failure.
PFA the screenshot of the error when tried building the iBeacon code present within the BLE_SDK6_examples' folder before I tried linking the SDKs to one another. Also, the same was observed after I followed the steps for linking.
I highly appreciate any help. TIA.
Warm regards,AXISCADES.
I haven't executed the clean command as of yet.
Below are the images of the Keil MDK configuration I use with the ARM compiler 6 being chosen.
I have selected the device to be DA14531 in the " device " section; hence the system viewer file in the " target " section has been set to the same.
Warm regards,
Hi Cades,
Maybe there is a difference? But I just tried your settings and compiled without any problems.Maybe there is a problem with the link between the sample code and the SDK.
Best regards.
Yes, the name has been changed but while I execute the command every time I make sure it's the same.
I tried retaining the name, yet no change.
Maybe this method can also be tried:Add Arm Compiler v5.06 Keil
The same doesn't work for me.
Is there a way?
I currently AM using this method; using ARM compiler 5 works, there shall be no error but I'm unable to link the SDKs. Where as using ARM compiler 6 doesn't seem to work as it leads to errors when the project is built.
Maybe you can pay attention to the " character when you execute the command on the terminal, you can modify it to see if it can be linked?
cd /d D:\BLE_SDK6_examples-main
dlg_make_keil5_env_v2.000.py -sdkpath “D:\dev\”
The path part needs to be confirmed, it may be different from my path.