DA14531-I2C issue

Hi ,

I am working Da14531 by interfacing pressure sensor over I2C, Observations

- We are using BLE_Peripheral application.

- Intension is to read the data from sensor vial I2C and send it to mobile app over BLE.

- Now we can able to read the data and sent it over BLE.

- But When i  disconnect from mobile phone Da14531 is going into hard error state.

- To work it as normal again have to power off and power On the device , then it will conne6472.DA145xx_SDK_TPMS.zipct and sends the data.

- If disconnect , then device wont advertise please suggest. attached code and screen shot for your reference.

assert_warning ERROR ITS SHOWING. 

Thanks in advance


  • Hi PSK,

    I compiled and tried to run the project but it is not advertising on my side. 
    I believe is due the fact that I do not have any sensor connected to the I2C pins.
    I am not able to recreate your error.
    However, I saw that you have modified the main function which is part of the SDK folders. You should not modify the SDK folders, you should be able to create your application only on the user folders:

    int main(void)
        sleep_mode_t sleep_mode;
        // initialize retention mode
        //global initialise
         * Platform initialization
    			i2c_slave_receive_transmit();                        //call i2c function 
            do {
                // schedule all pending events
            while (app_asynch_proc() != GOTO_SLEEP);    //grant control to the application, try to go to power down

    After removing the i2c_slave_receive_transmit function from the main, I am able to see the DA14531 advertising.
    I was able to connect and try to read the characteristics. After that I disconnected and indeed the DA14531 is no longer advertising, but I get no ASSERT_ERROR on the firmware. 
    Please share where exactly does the project crash on your side. Without the sensor connected it is not able to replicate the issue.
    Also if you have made any other modifications in the SDK folders, please remove them, or work on a clean SDK.

    Best Regards,

  • For the sake of the broader community, can you post the updated working SDK specific to this problem?

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