DA14706 reporting an incompatible SWC level of 0

I am brining up a prototype board with a DA14706 A1 cpu.  Serial and jtag loading to qspi both fail after the initial bootloader is loaded.   Loading an example application to RAM and debugging it results in an error in pre startup here:

bool hw_sys_is_compatible_chip(void)
        return true;
        if (hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_CHIP_ID_MASK, DEVICE_CHIP_ID_2798)) {
                if (hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_REVISION_MASK, DEVICE_REV_A) &&
                    hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_SWC_MASK, DEVICE_SWC_1)) {
                        return true;
        } else if (hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_CHIP_ID_MASK, DEVICE_CHIP_ID_3107)) {
                if (hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_REVISION_MASK, DEVICE_REV_A) &&
                    hw_sys_device_info_check(DEVICE_SWC_MASK, DEVICE_SWC_0)) {
                        return true;

        return false;

This is called from SystemInitPre()

When this is executed the chip id evaluates to 2798 and the revision mask to A.  However, the SWC evaluates to SWC_0 which causes the assertion to fail and the device to hang.  Forcing it to return true always causes it to hang later on in an NMI.

I am at a loss.

  • Hi There,

    We saw that you are using SDK v10.4.2 which is the old SDK version.
    Could you please test this on your side, with the latest SDK v10.2.6.49.
    As for the assertion, this implies that the chip variant used is not supported by SDK. Maybe you are using an old chip variant which is no longer available. Could you please check on top of the IC the written chip variant?
    Running the SDK on a non-supported chip variant might end up crashing the device as most of the settings applied should not match.
    The chip ID 2798 corresponds to revision AA which is quite old. When did you order this chip?

    Best Regards,

  • I am using,  I do not have 10.4.2 installed.  

    The chip is marked as an DA14706 A1 2104NGA8

    We ordered about 3 months ago.

    Do i need an older version of the SDK to bring these chips up?  If so, where can I get it.  These are prototype dev boards...there are only 5 and swapping out the chip at this point would not be plausible...they were also VERY expensive to had made and reworking them would be difficult.  

    Any advice would be appreciated.  I do not need a production ready solution...just something to validate the pcb layout and I can source newer chips with the production verison.

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the reply.

    I am using,  I do not have 10.4.2 installed.  

    Thank you for the clarification.
    Let me check on this with our BLE team and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Best Regards,

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