Hi Kumar,Thank you for posting your question online.
[email protected] said:I am trying to send my beaconing information on every 1hour one sample I am advertising. Running the timer internally using MCU core, and when time reaches 1 hour then I will enable the RF core beacon activity, advertise the beacon data and disable the RF core and do the process forever without rebooting the device. please suggest the logic. I am trying this logic in DA14531MOD hostless.
Yes, this is possible with the DA14531MOD.You can have the following scenario:You follow the ibeacon example and the ble_app_sleepmode example (inside the SDK6).Note: We also have on Git examples for Eddystone beacon.You can start a timer (i.e. for 5seconds), start advertising, after 5 seconds the timer will expire and we stop advertising.When we stop advertising you can implement either Extended Sleep without advertising or Deep Sleep.In both cases you can have RTC configured in order to set an interrupt after 1 hour. After 1 hour repeat.Please refer on our SDK6 examples and the Tutorials on the DA14531 product page for more information.Best Regards,OV_Renesas
/********************************************************************************************/ void user_app_adv_start(void) { if(bFlag_ble_beacon == false) { app_adv_data_update_timer_used = app_easy_timer(APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO, adv_data_update_timer_cb); struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd* cmd; cmd = app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_get_active(); app_add_ad_struct(cmd, &mnf_data, sizeof(struct mnf_specific_data_ad_structure), 1); app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start(); } if(bFlag_ble_beacon == true) { ibeacon_adv_payload_t adv_payload; struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd *cmd; cmd = app_easy_gap_non_connectable_advertise_get_active(); adv_payload.flags[0] = FLAG_0; adv_payload.flags[1] = FLAG_1; adv_payload.flags[2] = FLAG_2; adv_payload.length = LENGTH; adv_payload.type = TYPE; adv_payload.company_id[0] = COMPANY_ID_0; adv_payload.company_id[1] = COMPANY_ID_1; adv_payload.beacon_type[0] = BEACON_TYPE_0; adv_payload.beacon_type[1] = BEACON_TYPE_1; uuid2hex((char *)UUID_STR, uuidWr); for(uint8_t i=0;i<16;i++) { adv_payload.uuid[i] = uuidWr[i]; } adv_payload.major[0]= MAJOR & 0x0FF; //high byte adv_payload.major[1]= MAJOR >> 8; //high byte adv_payload.minor[1]= MINOR & 0x0FF; //high byte adv_payload.minor[0]= MINOR >> 8; //high byte adv_payload.measured_power = MEASURED_POWER; memcpy(cmd->info.host.adv_data, &adv_payload, sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t)); cmd->info.host.adv_data_len = sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t); cmd->intv_min = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(bTransmission_Interval); cmd->intv_max = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(bTransmission_Interval); append_device_name(&cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len, name_len, &(cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data[cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len]), hex_val_t); memcpy(cmd->info.host.adv_data, &adv_payload, sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t)); cmd->info.host.adv_data_len = sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t); app_easy_gap_non_connectable_advertise_start(); arch_set_sleep_mode(ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON); } else { } } /********************************************************************************************/ void user_app_adv_start_update_Fields(void) { ibeacon_adv_payload_t adv_payload; struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd *cmd = app_easy_gap_non_connectable_advertise_get_active(); adv_payload.flags[0] = FLAG_0; adv_payload.flags[1] = FLAG_1; adv_payload.flags[2] = FLAG_2; adv_payload.length = LENGTH; adv_payload.type = TYPE; adv_payload.company_id[0] = COMPANY_ID_0; adv_payload.company_id[1] = COMPANY_ID_1; adv_payload.beacon_type[0] = BEACON_TYPE_0; adv_payload.beacon_type[1] = BEACON_TYPE_1; uuid2hex((char *)UUID_STR, uuidWr); for(uint8_t i=0;i<16;i++) { adv_payload.uuid[i] = uuidWr[i]; } adv_payload.major[0]= MAJOR_Value & 0x0FF; //high byte adv_payload.major[1]= MAJOR_Value >> 8; //high byte adv_payload.minor[0]= MINOR_Value & 0x0FF; //high byte adv_payload.minor[1]= MINOR_Value >> 8; //high byte /* Set the advertising interval */ cmd->intv_min = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(2000); cmd->intv_max = MS_TO_BLESLOTS(2000); adv_payload.measured_power = RSSI_1mVal_measurePwr; append_device_name(&cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len, name_len, &(cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data[cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len]), hex_val_t); memcpy(cmd->info.host.adv_data, &adv_payload, sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t)); cmd->info.host.adv_data_len = sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t); app_easy_gap_update_adv_data(cmd->info.host.adv_data, sizeof(ibeacon_adv_payload_t), cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data, sizeof(cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data)); } /********************************************************************************************/ void app_resume_system_from_sleep(void) { #if !defined (__DA14531__) if (GetBits16(SYS_STAT_REG, PER_IS_DOWN)) #endif { periph_init(); } if (arch_ble_ext_wakeup_get()) { arch_set_sleep_mode(app_default_sleep_mode); arch_ble_force_wakeup(); arch_ble_ext_wakeup_off(); app_easy_wakeup(); } } /********************************************************************************************/ static void beacon_adv_data_update_timer_cb() { app_easy_gap_advertise_stop(); battery_percentage = battery_get_lvl(BATT_CR2032); app_resume_system_from_sleep(); user_app_adv_start_update_Fields(); user_app_adv_start(); app_adv_data_update_timer_used = app_easy_timer(((APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO_BEACON/30)*(30)), beacon_adv_data_update_timer_cb); //30Sec } /********************************************************************************************/ void user_app_disconnect(struct gapc_disconnect_ind const *param) { app_adv_data_update_timer_used = app_easy_timer(((APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO_BEACON/30)*(30)), beacon_adv_data_update_timer_cb); //30Sec } /********************************************************************************************/ void user_app_adv_undirect_complete(uint8_t status) { if (status == GAP_ERR_CANCELED) { user_app_adv_start(); } } /********************************************************************************************/ void user_app_connection(uint8_t connection_idx, struct gapc_connection_req_ind const *param) { if(bFlag_ble_beacon == false) { user_battery_message_handler(1); if (app_env[connection_idx].conidx != GAP_INVALID_CONIDX) { app_connection_idx = connection_idx; app_easy_timer_cancel(app_adv_data_update_timer_used); if ((param->con_interval < user_connection_param_conf.intv_min) || (param->con_interval > user_connection_param_conf.intv_max) || (param->con_latency != user_connection_param_conf.latency) || (param->sup_to != user_connection_param_conf.time_out)) { app_param_update_request_timer_used = app_easy_timer(APP_PARAM_UPDATE_REQUEST_TO, param_update_request_timer_cb); } } else { user_app_adv_start(); } default_app_on_connection(connection_idx, param); } } /****************************************************************************************/ void user_app_disconnect(struct gapc_disconnect_ind const *param) { user_battery_message_handler(0); if (app_param_update_request_timer_used != EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER) { app_easy_timer_cancel(app_param_update_request_timer_used); app_param_update_request_timer_used = EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER; } mnf_data_update(); bFlag_ble_beacon = false; First_user_app_disconnect_Flag = false; user_app_adv_start(); if(bFlag_ble_beacon == false) { user_battery_message_handler(0); if (app_param_update_request_timer_used != EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER) { app_easy_timer_cancel(app_param_update_request_timer_used); app_param_update_request_timer_used = EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER; } mnf_data_update(); app_adv_data_update_timer_used = app_easy_timer(((APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO_BEACON/30)*(30)), ibeacon_adv_data_update_timer_cb); user_app_adv_start(); bFlag_ble_beacon = true; bMode = RUNNING_MODE; First_user_app_disconnect_Flag = true; app_easy_gap_advertise_stop(); } #if (BLE_SUOTA_RECEIVER) // Issue a platform reset when it is requested by the suotar procedure if (suota_state.reboot_requested) { // Reboot request will be served suota_state.reboot_requested = 0; // Platform reset platform_reset(RESET_AFTER_SUOTA_UPDATE); } #endif } /****************************************************************************************/ void user_app_init(void) { (void)spi_flash_power_down(); rf_pa_pwr_set(RF_TX_PWR_LVL_0d0); RSSI_1mVal_measurePwr = 0xC5; fnLED_Toggle_Function(6); uuid2hex((char *)UUID_STR, uuidWr); app_param_update_request_timer_used = EASY_TIMER_INVALID_TIMER; mnf_data_init(); memcpy(stored_adv_data, USER_ADVERTISE_DATA, USER_ADVERTISE_DATA_LEN); stored_adv_data_len = USER_ADVERTISE_DATA_LEN; memcpy(stored_scan_rsp_data, USER_ADVERTISE_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA, USER_ADVERTISE_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA_LEN); stored_scan_rsp_data_len = USER_ADVERTISE_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA_LEN; default_app_on_init(); } /****************************************************************************************/
/** **************************************************************************************** * * @file user_callback_config.h * * @brief Callback functions configuration file. * * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Dialog Semiconductor. * This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary Information * of Dialog Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * **************************************************************************************** */ #ifndef _USER_CALLBACK_CONFIG_H_ #define _USER_CALLBACK_CONFIG_H_ /* * INCLUDE FILES **************************************************************************************** */ #include <stdio.h> #include "app_callback.h" #include "app_default_handlers.h" #include "app_entry_point.h" #include "app_prf_types.h" #if (BLE_APP_SEC) #include "app_bond_db.h" #endif // (BLE_APP_SEC) #include "user_peripheral.h" /* * LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS **************************************************************************************** */ static const struct app_suotar_cb user_app_suotar_cb = { .on_suotar_status_change = on_suotar_status_change, }; static const struct app_callbacks user_app_callbacks = { .app_on_connection = user_app_connection, .app_on_disconnect = user_app_disconnect, .app_on_update_params_rejected = NULL, .app_on_update_params_complete = NULL, .app_on_set_dev_config_complete = default_app_on_set_dev_config_complete, .app_on_adv_nonconn_complete = user_app_adv_undirect_complete,//NULL, .app_on_adv_undirect_complete = user_app_adv_undirect_complete, .app_on_adv_direct_complete = NULL, .app_on_db_init_complete = default_app_on_db_init_complete, .app_on_scanning_completed = NULL, .app_on_adv_report_ind = NULL, .app_on_get_dev_name = default_app_on_get_dev_name, .app_on_get_dev_appearance = default_app_on_get_dev_appearance, .app_on_get_dev_slv_pref_params = default_app_on_get_dev_slv_pref_params, .app_on_set_dev_info = default_app_on_set_dev_info, .app_on_data_length_change = NULL, .app_on_update_params_request = default_app_update_params_request, .app_on_generate_static_random_addr = default_app_generate_static_random_addr, .app_on_svc_changed_cfg_ind = NULL, .app_on_get_peer_features = NULL, #if (BLE_APP_SEC) .app_on_pairing_request = default_app_on_pairing_request, .app_on_tk_exch = user_app_on_tk_exch, .app_on_irk_exch = NULL, .app_on_csrk_exch = default_app_on_csrk_exch, .app_on_ltk_exch = default_app_on_ltk_exch, .app_on_pairing_succeeded = default_app_on_pairing_succeeded, .app_on_encrypt_ind = NULL, .app_on_encrypt_req_ind = default_app_on_encrypt_req_ind, .app_on_security_req_ind = NULL, .app_on_addr_solved_ind = default_app_on_addr_solved_ind, .app_on_addr_resolve_failed = default_app_on_addr_resolve_failed, .app_on_ral_cmp_evt = default_app_on_ral_cmp_evt, .app_on_ral_size_ind = NULL, .app_on_ral_addr_ind = NULL, #endif // (BLE_APP_SEC) }; #if (BLE_APP_SEC) static const struct app_bond_db_callbacks user_app_bond_db_callbacks = { .app_bdb_init = default_app_bdb_init, .app_bdb_get_size = default_app_bdb_get_size, .app_bdb_add_entry = default_app_bdb_add_entry, .app_bdb_remove_entry = NULL, .app_bdb_search_entry = default_app_bdb_search_entry, .app_bdb_get_number_of_stored_irks = default_app_bdb_get_number_of_stored_irks, .app_bdb_get_stored_irks = default_app_bdb_get_stored_irks, .app_bdb_get_device_info_from_slot = default_app_bdb_get_device_info_from_slot, }; #endif // (BLE_APP_SEC) /* * "app_process_catch_rest_cb" symbol handling: * - Use #define if "user_catch_rest_hndl" is defined by the user * - Use const declaration if "user_catch_rest_hndl" is NULL */ #define app_process_catch_rest_cb user_catch_rest_hndl // static const catch_rest_event_func_t app_process_catch_rest_cb = NULL; static const struct arch_main_loop_callbacks user_app_main_loop_callbacks = { .app_on_init = user_app_init, // By default the watchdog timer is reloaded and resumed when the system wakes up. // The user has to take into account the watchdog timer handling (keep it running, // freeze it, reload it, resume it, etc), when the app_on_ble_powered() is being // called and may potentially affect the main loop. .app_on_ble_powered = NULL, // By default the watchdog timer is reloaded and resumed when the system wakes up. // The user has to take into account the watchdog timer handling (keep it running, // freeze it, reload it, resume it, etc), when the app_on_system_powered() is being // called and may potentially affect the main loop. .app_on_system_powered = NULL, .app_before_sleep = NULL, .app_validate_sleep = NULL, .app_going_to_sleep = NULL, .app_resume_from_sleep = NULL, }; // Default Handler Operations static const struct default_app_operations user_default_app_operations = { .default_operation_adv = user_app_adv_start, }; // Place in this structure the app_<profile>_db_create and app_<profile>_enable functions // for SIG profiles that do not have this function already implemented in the SDK // or if you want to override the functionality. Check the prf_func array in the SDK // for your reference of which profiles are supported. static const struct prf_func_callbacks user_prf_funcs[] = { {TASK_ID_INVALID, NULL, NULL} // DO NOT MOVE. Must always be last }; #endif // _USER_CALLBACK_CONFIG_H_
Hi Kumar,Apologies for the delay.I re-checked your project and I could see the device going into non-connectable advertising.I tested it with the Dev Kit Pro and let is run for over 30 minutes while monitoring from the Power Profiler. The project did not crash.Are you witnessing this forced reset on the custom board or in the Dev Kit?I would suggest you use the CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG macro and try to get the Heap usage after 20-25minutes of device running.For SDK v6.0.20
/****************************************************************************************************************/ /* Function patch for heap logging. */ /* */ /* Macro: */ /* CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG */ /* */ /* Description: Enables the logging of heap memories usage. The feature can be used in development/debug mode. */ /* Application must be executed in Keil debugger environment. Developer must stop execution and */ /* type disp_heaplog() in debugger's command window. Heap memory statistics will be displayed on */ /* window. */ /****************************************************************************************************************/
Hi Renesas,
Hi Francis,
As a suggestion, you need to check on the parameter initialized during running time. make them been reused instead of applying a new one. Something like ADV data, etc.
Hi Kumar,Thank you for the reply.
[email protected] said:As you suggested, I called the macro in #define CFG_USE_HEAP_LOG in "da1458x_config_advanced.h".
On da1458x_config_advanced.h file:Define the CFG_LOG_HEAP_USAGE macro and delete the da14531.lib file from the sdk_arch folder.Then right click on the sdk_arch folder and select:Navigate to the following path : ...\\sdk\platform\system_library\output\Keil_5\da14531_with_heap_logging.libCompile and run the project with debugger attached. On the Keil command window you can type disp_heaplog() and you will get the Heap usage.Please try this every 1-2 minutes until the device crashes. It would be helpful to see if the Heap Memory is getting increased.On the da1458x_config_basic.h file, have you undefined the CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG?If yes, please define it again and run the project until it crashes. It will store the necessary ARM registers for us to understand where the project has crashed. You will need to attach a debugger and check if it is a NMI or HardFault. Please also check here: Tutorial Dialog SDK 6.0.x Debugging — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)Best Regards,OV_Renesas
Sure, I will try your suggestions.
The project that i shared with you is defined as a 30-second timer to advertise the iBeacon with that facing issue is that the device is getting rebooted.
I noticed that if I increase the timer to 60 seconds, it is not adverting iBeacon after 60 seconds.
I believe there should be BLE calls that would be different for my logic.the one which I used the calls BLE core is not completely stopping.
As per my logic, is it possible to advertise my ibeacon for every 60sec or 15 minutes, 30minutes etc using your da14531mod.
Hi Kumar,Thank you for the reply.If possible share again your project because the link has expired. My apologies but I deleted it from my Downloads folder. I will try to go through the "logic" of the BLE APIs to handle advertising.Did you check the Heap usage while the project was running?Best Regards,OV_Renesas
Thanks for your reply.
I am running in extended sleep mode and can't debug my Keil IDE code. And I am not using a dev kit. I am using a small dialog programming flash tool. I just compile the code and flash the code using a smart snippet tool.
For your reference I have attached the same again. Please download and let me know after that I will disable the link:
[email protected] said:For your reference I have attached the same again. Please download and let me know after that I will disable the link:
I have downloaded the project. You can close the link if you want.Note: Keep in mind that you can raise a private ticket as well where you can share anything you want.
[email protected] said:I am running in extended sleep mode and can't debug my Keil IDE code. And I am not using a dev kit. I am using a small dialog programming flash tool. I just compile the code and flash the code using a smart snippet tool.
So you are programming the board via 1-Wire UART? You do not have access to any J-link Debug probes or other Dev Kits with SWD interface?You could use Ozone with J-link debug probes and the CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG macro defined to check where exactly the project crashes.On my side, I had only tested this with Debugger attached on Keil on the Dev Kit Pro and I could not reproduce the issue. I will try to flash it on a DA14531MOD DB and wait until it crashes.Best Regards,OV_Renesas
Thanks for understanding.
Yes, I am using a 1-wire programming small dialog tool. which does not have any energy profiles or debugging.
Our remote production team has the tool, but they are using the devkit for programming and measuring each board current consumption.
Hi Kumar,I have been trying to compile the latest project you shared.Are you able to compile it on your side?Have you made a custom driver for the Battery? Did you not use the already implemented battery.h , bass.h and bass_task.h files?When I try to compile:Have you modified the Scatter file?It seems that with the Sensor drivers you have inserted you are at the limit of the DA14531 SysRAM and the project can not compile.Could you please share a pre-compiled version with a binary so we could test it?Best Regards,OV_Renesas