I tried to run pmu_wakeup_demo from github.com/.../BLE_SDK10_DA1470x_examples on DA14706 DevKit.
When I enable hibernation mode, power consumption decreases to 200 - 300 nA, and seems it is really hibernation. (It can't wake up by reset or power switching, only by connecting Vbus).
Vbat voltage is 3.3 V.
The main problem is Vsys voltage in hibernation is about 2.9 Volts and I still can power external devices from it (after connection external device to Vsys, consumption increases to 10 mA).
As I understand based on documentation, device should open sysbat switch and as a result power off all peripheral, connected to Vsys.
I tried to set FORCE_VBAT_VSYS_SW register manually for open switch this switch, but it had no result.
My device in “Shipping mode” should disable all external peripheral, I hope I do something wrong.
What can be problem?
Do I need to prepare DA14706 to hibernation mode? May be you have some guidelines for it?
Does it really possible to disable Vsys at all, or I need to use external power control scheme?
Hi Kars,
About the hibernation mode please refer to this tutorial: 3. BSP — DA1470x Software Platform Reference (renesas.com)
The VSYS will close when entering the hibernation mode.
In this header file you can get the APIs:
I already have working EVT device (some kind of smartwatch) with display and some peripheral, designed with the expectation of working hibernation, but on the stage of hibernation implementation I had some unexpected problems:
1. On my device and my application I call pm_sleep_mode_set(pm_mode_hibernation) and goto_deepsleep() function in apply_wfi() returns false. As i understood I missed some conditions for successfull goto_deepsleep, but i didn't find any guides for that.
2.On my device and pmu_wakeup_demo example I have successfull goto_deepsleep, but device wakes up immediately. As I understood it can be caused by load connection to V30 rail as i noticed before.
For now I returns to tests with devkit and pure examples.
The lowest power consumption, I have on my device is about 400 uA in pm_mode_extended_sleep, and this is not enough for shipping mode