Integration Questions for the DA14531MOD

Hello -

My first post here!  I've looked over the specifications and datasheet on the DA14531MOD device and it appears it will be perfect for the application I have. I've taken a look at this site:

My questions stem from how I will be using the DA14531MOD. because I have multiple sensors to connect and require some DSP code to be executed I do not want to use the DA14531MOD as the primary device. I will use an STM32L4 series microcontroller to do all the sensor and data processing, then use the DA14531MOD to send the data.

1 - In summary - the phone (iPhone/Android) and DA14531MOD application will make their BLE connection. The DA14531MOD will then receive and push the data to the phone app (perhaps 50K of byte data) and then close the connection.

2 - The DA14531MOD will be developed well before HW/SW integration using the DA14531-00FXDEVKT-U module and the "code snippets" development software. However I don't want to wait till I'm done all that before beginning and more or less getting to a near-completed stage with HW integration.

3 - On operation and to be clear, the DA14531MOD will be in complete shutdown mode for maximum power savings.Connection to the STM32 will be by UART Tx/Rx and an INT pin. I may use one or 2 other I/O pins on the DA14531MOD (TBD)

4 - Can the DA14531MOD be programmed so that after it gets an INT signal (from STM32), it wakes, runs the flashed code that allows it to advertise, then connect to phone, then transact and receive (buffered) data from the STM32 and push that byte data to the connected device?

5 - The DA14531MOD would send a message to STM32 it is completed, then it would then send a UART command for it to enter SLEEP/LP mode again.

Hoping to get some feedback from an experienced developer or Renesas FAE to advise me on this. I did some checking about but couldn't really find much on integrating and using this way. Although I'm sure it has been done. Are there any "must know" facts with respect to HW or SW integration (other than me working with the device) that I should know in order to use it as described?

Thank you, Gary