Hello -
My first post here! I've looked over the specifications and datasheet on the DA14531MOD device and it appears it will be perfect for the application I have. I've taken a look at this site:
My questions stem from how I will be using the DA14531MOD. because I have multiple sensors to connect and require some DSP code to be executed I do not want to use the DA14531MOD as the primary device. I will use an STM32L4 series microcontroller to do all the sensor and data processing, then use the DA14531MOD to send the data.
1 - In summary - the phone (iPhone/Android) and DA14531MOD application will make their BLE connection. The DA14531MOD will then receive and push the data to the phone app (perhaps 50K of byte data) and then close the connection.
2 - The DA14531MOD will be developed well before HW/SW integration using the DA14531-00FXDEVKT-U module and the "code snippets" development software. However I don't want to wait till I'm done all that before beginning and more or less getting to a near-completed stage with HW integration.
3 - On operation and to be clear, the DA14531MOD will be in complete shutdown mode for maximum power savings.Connection to the STM32 will be by UART Tx/Rx and an INT pin. I may use one or 2 other I/O pins on the DA14531MOD (TBD)
4 - Can the DA14531MOD be programmed so that after it gets an INT signal (from STM32), it wakes, runs the flashed code that allows it to advertise, then connect to phone, then transact and receive (buffered) data from the STM32 and push that byte data to the connected device?
5 - The DA14531MOD would send a message to STM32 it is completed, then it would then send a UART command for it to enter SLEEP/LP mode again.
Hoping to get some feedback from an experienced developer or Renesas FAE to advise me on this. I did some checking about but couldn't really find much on integrating and using this way. Although I'm sure it has been done. Are there any "must know" facts with respect to HW or SW integration (other than me working with the device) that I should know in order to use it as described?
Thank you, Gary
Hi Gary,
Thank you for posting your questions online.
As it is a module, just feel free for using.
From HW side:
since you have go through the datasheet already with all the specifications like placement and connection specifications.
From SW side:
I think codeless SDK fit your scenario: 1. Introduction to CodeLess — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
Also SPS SDK : 1. Introduction — DSPS Getting Started (renesas.com)
if you don't want use above SDKs the SDK6 still works:
I had a quick look at the codeless link - it appears to be perfect for the job. I'll look through all the information in the links and may be posting a question in future.
Awesome! Appreciate the timely response.
Yes, a second question. Please see attached screen cap. This is the setup I am interested in. I'm getting a prototype made with a DA15431MOD, but for now I'll use the DA14585-00ATDEVKT-B with Codeless.
In the docs there's no specific guidance on using the DA14531MOD when connected to uC. Namely - is the USART connected using RTS/CTS? I assume yes but need to make sure as I'll need to shuffle connections.
Thanks, again!
Good question.
please refer to this tutorial chapter 2.9
2. Getting Started — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
You can using FSP for quick SW deploying with RA MCUs
Hello, and I'm back with yet another question. It's too bad that a guru on the DA14531 could not create a single post with references on these seemingly simple yet elusive initial steps. Here's what I've done, and my question(s)
I have this downloaded: DA145xx_CodeLess_6.380.18.63.zip and I see many source files, and projects for Keil. At this point I'm using IAR so what would be useful is a reference on a build using EWARM. I've also discovered the "Codeless Host" application which is what I believe I will use to flash the device with, yes?
Here is the test board I have built - see attachment screen cap. According to everything I read (and asked) this should do the trick. You can see the 5 pin header. That header goes to a custom board to which I can plug in a Segger J-Link. I was a bit confused on the need for a reset, so I put in a switch in any case. Jumper J8 negates it if required. The lines go an an STM32L controller, and I have all the flow control connectivity implemented. The SIP3243 is a remote power switch.
Objective - I'm looking for the shortest development path to get codeless working. Please consider the original thread question - to allow an iOS device to connect to the DA14531, and when it connects I will be using the controller to push data to the phone using the AT commands. Also, it's important to note it must power up and boot with the AT command set that was flashed (the purpose of the power switch so no power is consumed during off times)
1 - On this page: https://lpccs-docs.renesas.com/UM-140-DA145x-CodeLess/howToUse.html, go to the section that has this: "To send your first AT command, follow the steps:"
2 - Run an AT test with the Codeless Terminal app
Question 1: If the answer is Yes to the above, where do I need to go from this point? Or see questions below..
Question 2: Where can I read to understand which code should be used SET ONE, or SET TWO ?
Question 3: From this point, is it then just a matter of building an application in EWARM using the source libraries? And sending commands from the STM32?
Thanks again for all the good feedback and assistance. It's too bad there's no build project for IAR, it's a very popular platform and would make things much easier.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your info.
1, About the IDE, we only have Keil project for DA14531, if you do not need to modify the FW, you can use the binary in the SDK path: DA145xx_CODELESS\6.380.18.63\binaries\531-00
technoid said:Where can I read to understand which code should be used SET ONE, or SET TWO ?
Differences between the name of the codeless projects are the AT CMDs that executable or not.
You can find the supporting details here in every CMD:9. AT Commands — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
You can start with datapump.
3, How to flash the code: 16. Flash Programming — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
4, the host application is just a serial CMD console.
5, PS, every CMD from UART should follow with \r
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I realize the link shows how to use the development boards, but understand that DA14531 devices (about 1000 first pass) must be flashed in-situ on the target board which is why I posted the relevant schematic section. So does the connection look correct? If so, I can go on and follow the flash directions in the link you sent.
Your schematic looks good, no problem you can go on.
BTW, you still can get the EVB schematic as an reference, you can get all the schematics of the EVBs in every EVB page. for example:
Any further questions are welcome.
Yes, in fact I used that for at least one reference. I always want to validate with the more wise in these matters. Thanks again, appreciate the feedback. I will update later on this channel.
Continuing the thread of Discovery...
I searched the forum but see no clear answer to this question. When the DA14531MOD-00 is powered on and has never been altered from it's factory state:
1 - Is the UART 115K,N,8,1?
2 - Is any flow control enabled?
3 - Is there any kind of message sent out by the UART on boot up?
4 - What message can I send the unit in it's factory state that gives me some kind of a response? (I assume it will not take AT commands until it's flashed)
This module is installed on my PCB (see below) and everything is connected correctly. One terrifying little issue is I did not connect a separate UART port, but only to my MCU...kinda dumb, but my MCU is monitoring for data.I can and will fix this by tacking on a port but not right now. In any case - on power up I have seen nothing.
Once again - thanks for your responses.