I'm using DA14531. In SDK, I'm using "ble_app_peripheral" under Ble_examples. I'm using Uart and BLE. what ever the data coming through BLE, I need to send it through UART and what ever the data coming from UART, I need to send it through BLE to the app
2. I'm using "Renesas Smart Bond APP", then under "Long Value" characteristic User Description, I'm sending data continously to my DA14531 and displaying in PC through UARt. but from my DA14531, If I send data to "LED State" characteristic, then the "Long Value" characteristic is receiving data and it is dsiplaying for first time. but if I send again some new data of same length, then it is not receiving.
3. For enable the uart receiving call back, I need to tell the no of bytes to be receive. If I send less than that, then can I get the receive call or not in DA14531?
Firmware: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ny34tp57eup207k/DA145xx_SDK.rar/file
Hi Kumar,
Thank you for posting your questions online.
This tutorial may helps: 1. Introduction — DA145XX Tutorial Create a Custom GATT Profile (renesas.com)
It's better to create a customized service, based on\projects\target_apps\template\empty_peripheral_template project.
I will have a test on your description any updates with sync with you.
If I use my custom app then I'm sending the data to DA14531 continously. but If I send from my PC to DA14531 through Uart to my custom APP, then it is not receiving.
Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbztynbuvmwii73/connection_test1.rar/file
1. I'm able to send the data from my custom app to DA14531. But if I send the data from DA14531 to my custom APP, then I'm not receiving the data in my app. But I give all permissions and notification enable in my APP.
2. In place of my custom APP, I'm using "Renesas Smart Bond APP". In that under "Long Value" characteristic, I'm sending data to DA14531 continuously. but if I send from DA14531 to the Renesas APP then First time only it is receiving. why?
Please check links for my mistakes what I have done
Could you share the code that how you send data from PC through DA14531 to APP.
Which service you are using?
My goal is to send data from PC to android APP through DA14531 and vice versa. so in DA14531 sdk, I'm using "ble_app_peripheral" under Ble examples. I tested my DA14531 code with "Renesas Smart Bond APP" and with my own Android App. I'm using 1st Unknown Service (18424398-7cbc-....). under this service, I'm using the Characteristic User Description "Long Value" (UUID: 772ae377-b3d2-....).
1. From "Renesas Smart Bond APP", I'm able to send the data to PC continuously through DA14531. But if I send the data from PC to this APP, it is receiving first time only. if I send again new value of same length, the Renesas app is not receiving.
2. From my own Android APP, I'm able to send the data to PC continuously through DA14531. But if I send the data from PC to my own android APP, it is not receiving. I already enabled the notification for this Characteristic User Description in my android app. But I'm unable the identify what is the problem.
The following are the links for DA14531 code and my own android code
DA14531 code: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ny34tp57eup207k/DA145xx_SDK.rar/file
Android code: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbztynbuvmwii73/connection_test1.rar/file
I suggest you to using Codeless binary mode or SPS SDK for your project.
Codeless: 4. Binary Mode — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
Coldeless SDK: SmartBond - CodeLess AT Commands | Renesas
SPS: UM-B-088: DA1453x/DA1458x Serial Port Service Reference Application (renesas.com)
SPS SDK: Serial Port Service (SPS) | Renesas
It's more suitable to your request.
BTW, you still haven't tell me how you send data from PC through DA14531 to APP by uart?
Just send hex format and one byte is ok?
Please show me the picture if it possible.
First I'm checking Uart and BLE are working or not in DA14531. In place of PC, I'm going to interface renesas RX111 microcontroller to DA14531 using UART. before this interfacing, I'm testing with PC. i.e., I'm sending data from "DOCKLIGHT" terminal application with some random no of bytes. i.e., 5 or 10 or 34 bytes, etc. if this works works on both sides i.e., from PC to APP and from APP to PC through DA14531 then in real scenario, I'm going to send bulk data i.e., image data (some 50kB, etc) to RX111 through DA14531 BLE from the APP and vice versa.
Yes Uart interfacing between PC and DA14531
Thanks for your info, it is better to using SPS SDK.
I am not sure 50KB is supported by peripheral example. Don't spend time on this example, just moving to SPS SDK that is what you need.