I'm using DA14531. In SDK, I'm using "ble_app_peripheral" under Ble_examples. I'm using Uart and BLE. what ever the data coming through BLE, I need to send it through UART and what ever the data coming from UART, I need to send it through BLE to the app
2. I'm using "Renesas Smart Bond APP", then under "Long Value" characteristic User Description, I'm sending data continously to my DA14531 and displaying in PC through UARt. but from my DA14531, If I send data to "LED State" characteristic, then the "Long Value" characteristic is receiving data and it is dsiplaying for first time. but if I send again some new data of same length, then it is not receiving.
3. For enable the uart receiving call back, I need to tell the no of bytes to be receive. If I send less than that, then can I get the receive call or not in DA14531?
Firmware: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ny34tp57eup207k/DA145xx_SDK.rar/file