I'm using Renesas DA14531-00FXDEVKT-P. I downloaded the DA145xx_CodeLess_6.380.18.63 from renesas website and I tested the codeless_531_datapump firmware with your "codeless Host" application and Renesas Console APP. If I send the "AT+BINREQ" from Renesas console App then DA14531 is changing in to Binary mode. but if I send the same command from Codeless Host then it is not changing in to Binary mode. But my requirement is that I want to make the DA14531 in to binary mode from the uart only but not from the APP. because In my custom APP, I will use only Codeless service UUID which is 866d3b04-e674-40dc-9c05-b7f91bec6e83 and CodeLess Flow Control Characteristic UUID which is e2048b39-d4f9-4a45-9f25-1856c10d5639. I don't want to use CodeLess Inbound and CodeLess outbound UUIDS for AT commands in the APP. so for my requirement, Where to change in the SDK firmware to make the DA14531 in to Binary mode from the uart.