Win10 limits the max BLE client count can be connected

This is not question of DA14531, I hope to search for help to post here.

Maybe someone has faced this question before, maybe they have found the solution.

I made 10 clients configured with BLE module,and the server developed with Delphi.

My hardware configure:

1) Windows 10 on surface Model 1769;

2) Marvell AVASTAR Bluetooth Radio Adapter / Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator in surface;

3) ARM Cortex M0+  + DA14531 module.

In server side, I use TBluetoothLE to connect with DA14531.

It can find all 10 clients, but can only connect with 8 of them, other 2 clients can't be connected,

The error raised: Access not allowed or no service available.

I don't know which layer limit it:

-Marvell AVASTAR Bluetooth Radio Adapter

-Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator


There is no property / method to change connection count for TBluetoothLE.

And I did not find info on changing connection count for Win10.

Any suggestion?

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