I enabled the "CFG_ENTER_BINARY_MODE_ON_CONNECTION" in DA14531 sdk. I have interfaced Renesas RX111 microcontroller with DA14531 through UART (only rx & tx) and I'm using codeless sdk. I want to send data from APP to RX111 microcontroller through DA14531 and vice versa. first I'm testing with Renesas smart console APP. But the problem is that if I close the Renesas Smart Console app in the middle of the connection (without using disconnection option in the renesas smart console APP) then I'm getting "+++" for every two seconds from DA14531 to my microcontroller though Uart continously. what it indicates and also how to stop that incoming "+++" through uart from DA14531 to my controller.
Hi Kumar,
Thank you for posting your questions online.
please send "AT" to DA14531 when RX111 received +++ from DA14531. Then it will stop responding "+++" .
Thanks for your reply.
1.If I send AT then is it going to send any response back to RX111 through uart or not.
2. how can I know that it is in which mode i.e., Binary or command mode at that time
But sometimes Device name is not showing in the Bluetooth scan list in the POS devices and also in Mobile. So I thought that it is going in to sleep mode if it is not connected to any one.
This could be another issue, could you gather more info and reproduction ways for this issue?
I'm going to make custom PCB by using DA14531. In that I don't want to mount 32KHz crystal. then codeless sdk (enter in to binary mode on connection) is going to work or not. because 32KHz is useful when DA14531 is in sleep mode. but I don't want to use sleep mode. but you are saying that I can leave the ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON. Is this going to effect the code, if I don't mount 32KHz
Yes you do not need mount 32K crystal. Default using internal RC.
There is no affection with ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON.
Ok. In my custom board, If I connect DA14531 serial wire (clock and DIO) pins directly to Jlink debugger, then shall I use Renesas smartbond flash programmer for code downloading ? right now I'm using DA14531 DEVKIT
Yes you can, SWCLK,SWDIO,GND,VCC. are needed
In codeless sdk (enter in to binary mode on connection), the default baud rate is 57600. If I change the baudrate to 115200 as shown in the below screen shot (BAUDRATE_CONFIG value to 5), then is it going to work or not with out any problem during running of the code.
Yes you can change it to 115200 bit rate, and will work without any issues.
I'm using Renesas DA14531-00FXDEVKT-P. I downloaded the DA145xx_CodeLess_6.380.18.63 from renesas website. I want to test the codeless_531_datapump firmware. so I defined "CFG_ENTER_BINARY_MODE_ON_CONNECTION" in da14531_config_advanced.h file. after building I'm getting error. so I make "ECLUDE_DLG_SUOTAR" to 1 in "user_modules_config.h" file. after building I'm not getting the errors. but if I send AT command first time then I'm getting "OK". if I send again then I'm getting as "non AT command". I connected my DA14531 to PC. please observe in the below picture. what is the reason for this.
Please reply to my question