Advertising Interval Duration Setting

Hlo Sir, 

    Here I am using DA14531 SOC to receive sensor data through I2C, I have configured BLE mode as Eddystone. Setting Advertising data update timer (APP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_TO) to 100ms, i can able to see the data in the app(nrf connect).  Initializing advertising data time other than 100ms, I cant able to see the data in nrf connect.

  Here how the advertising data update timer influence the data update in application?

  • Hi TDC,

    Thank you for posting your question online.

      Here how the advertising data update timer influence the data update in application?

    I cannot comment on how the mobile application works since it is from another vendor. 
    Generally, the generic GATT client mobile applications perform Scan for x seconds (usually 10seconds) and then stop scanning. 
    Each time the Central (Smartphone) is able to detect the Advertising packet from the DA14531 it should update the Advertising Report.
    Since you have verified that the DA14531 actually updates the Advertising Data, you should configure the Central Scan options in order to be able to get the new Advertising Report every 100ms.

    Best Regards,