I would like to generate a unique Bluetooth device address for a DA14531 chip that has the SPS SDK firmware. I changed the define USER_CFG_ADDRESS_MODE to APP_CFG_ADDR_STATIC in user_config.h file and got the following error when trying to build the hex file.
.\out_531\dsps_device_531.axf: Error: L6388E: ScatterAssert expression (ImageBase(RET_HEAP_MSG) + ImageLength(RET_HEAP_MSG) < (((0x7fc9c00) + (((((0x33e) + (((0x3 * 0x3) + (0x3 + 0x3)) * (0x106))) + ((0x8) * (0x106))) + (0x6)) - ((((0x33e) + (((0x8) + (((0x1))) + (0x3)) * ((((0xfb)) OR 0x1) + 0x4 + 0x7))) + ((0x8) * ((((0xfb)) OR 0x1) + 0x4 + 0x7))) + (0x6)))) AND (0xffffc00))) failed on line 153 : (0x7fc9c04 < 0x7fc9c00)
When the configuration is #define USER_CFG_ADDRESS_MODE APP_CFG_ADDR_PUB, I can successfully build without issues.
I am currently using a DA14531 USB dev kit. The current device address I am seeing on the SmartConsole App is from the following -
#define CFG_NVDS_TAG_BD_ADDRESS {0x02, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x35, 0x23, 0x48}
I could change this define to get a unique address but this would not be feasible solution in production where the same hex file will need to be loaded into all the products.
Hi Lekha,Please go on da14531_config_advanced.h file and reduce the MSG Heap size:
#define MSG_HEAP_SZ 3950 //(4 * 1024)
Thank you for your response. I am also able to build successfully after making this change. Thank you.