Hi Sir,
I have configured a hibernation sleep after scanning, i can able to achieve 26.2uA after Powering down the SPI flash, How to reduce the current consumption further.
I have attached the code below
static void ble_scan_for_devices(){ ke_state_set(TASK_APP, APP_CONNECTABLE); ble_gap_error_t err = user_ble_gap_start_scan(true, SCAN_INTVL_MS, SCAN_WINDOW_MS, false); dbg_block_printf("Started Scanning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n", NULL); ASSERT_ERROR(err == BLE_GAP_ERROR_NO_ERROR); //app_easy_timer(200, scan_stop); scan_timer=app_easy_timer(200, scan_stop);}
void scan_stop(){ user_ble_gap_stop_scan(); dbg_block_printf("Stopped Scanning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n", NULL); // dbg_block_printf("Timer state before cancel: %d\r\n", scan_timer); ++timer; SetBits16(PMU_CTRL_REG, TIM_SLEEP, 1); // Wait until PD_TIM is closed while ((GetWord16(SYS_STAT_REG) & TIM_IS_DOWN) != TIM_IS_DOWN); // Power down the flash to reduce current consumption during Hibernation spi_flash_power_down(); // spi_flash_ultra_deep_power_down(); //Enter Hibernation4 //time_result =++timer; arch_set_hibernation(HIB_WAKE_UP_PIN_MASK, PD_SYS_DOWN_RAM_OFF, PD_SYS_DOWN_RAM_OFF, PD_SYS_DOWN_RAM_OFF, REMAP_ADDR0_TO_ROM, false); }
Hi TDC,Thank you for posting your question online.Could you please share how you are measuring the current consumption?If you are using the Power Profiler, please do the Calibrate procedure first: 6.2. Power Profiler — UM-B-083 (renesas.com)Please also refer here: 7. Hibernation Mode configuration — DA1453x & DA1458x Tutorial Sleep Modes (renesas.com)Best Regards,OV_Renesas
I am using multimeter to measure the current consumption, by connecting negative and positive end of multimeter to J9[3] and J9[4] pin in motherboard.By this way, I can able to achieve 26.2uA. I need to achieve 270nA in hibernation sleep.
1, any peripheral devices you have connected?
2, have you put the FLASH to sleep mode?
// Power down the SPI flash memory spi_flash_power_down();
3, you can just remove the V_FL HEADER on J1 after entering Hibernation mode to exclude the Flash consumption.
1. No peripherals connected
2. Yes, I have called the function spi_flash_power_down(), before calling Hibernation sleep.
3. Even after removing also V_FL HEADER, Current consumption remains same.(26.4uA)
Which SDK version you are using.
As I have tested before, you can try to load this FW for a test. based on SDK version 6.0.20
It will go to hibernation after 10s.
I am using SDK version 6.0.22
Great! the new the better.
you can use this bin for a test to exclude the HW configuration effects