Hi, I defined an address in OTP as my Bluetooth name to display to the user.I used your hw_otpc_read ( ) to read the OTP data into my RAM variable. I am not sure how to populate this struct : struct app_device_info device_info = { { USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN, USER_DEVICE_NAME}, 0x0000 }; I will keep the Length as a constant, but USER_DEVICE_NAME confuses me. This supplies : device_info.dev_name.name I don’t want to make many changes and then I break the Bluetooth Module.I see a memcpy ( ) where I could make a change. What would you suggest?Thanks Gert
H Gert,
Thank you for posting your questions online.
Let me check this and will back to you soon.
Hi Gert,
There are two place for the device name usage:
1, the device name in the device info structure you can replace the name(from OTP) here in the memory copy :
void app_init(void) { // Reset the environment for (int i = 0; i < APP_EASY_MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTION; i++) { app_env[i] = (struct app_env_tag) {0}; } // Initialize device info device_info.dev_name.length = (USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN <= GAP_MAX_NAME_SIZE) ? USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN : GAP_MAX_NAME_SIZE; memcpy(device_info.dev_name.name, USER_DEVICE_NAME, device_info.dev_name.length); device_info.appearance = 0x0000; // Create APP task ke_task_create(TASK_APP, &TASK_DESC_APP); // Initialize Task state ke_state_set(TASK_APP, APP_DISABLED); }
2, As I show you with the example prox_report, it has ADV response data contains the device name. So you need change the name here as well:
// Place the Device Name in the Advertising Data or in the Scan Response Data if (USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN > 0) { // Get remaining space in the Advertising Data ( plus 2 bytes are used for the length and flag bytes of the Device Name and 3 bytes for the AD type flags) uint16_t total_adv_space = 3 + adv_cmd->info.host.adv_data_len + 2 + USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN; // Get remaining space in the Scan Response Data ( plus 2 bytes are used for the length and flag bytes of the Device Name) uint16_t total_scan_space = adv_cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len + 2 + USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN; if (total_adv_space <= ADV_DATA_LEN) { append_device_name(&cmd->info.host.adv_data_len, USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN, &(cmd->info.host.adv_data[cmd->info.host.adv_data_len]), USER_DEVICE_NAME); } else if (total_scan_space <= SCAN_RSP_DATA_LEN) { append_device_name(&cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len, USER_DEVICE_NAME_LEN, &(cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data[cmd->info.host.scan_rsp_data_len]), USER_DEVICE_NAME); } }